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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning

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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning

David Butler
Mr David Butler
Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning

It is going to be a term we will always remember isn’t it?

I am guessing that it will be a term that College students, families and staff will be relieved to have coming to an end. But it is also a term where much has been achieved to be proud of. 

Having our Senior Students undertake their exams from home has been a big logistical endeavour and students have really done well in meeting the requirements to take part. A huge thank you to the staff involved in making this possible, in particular Megan Bennett, our Director of ICT, who has played an integral role in making this possible.

More generally, I think we can be proud as a community who have come together and made the best of a difficult situation. Our students have become more self-reliant and responsible in navigating their learning. They have mostly done an excellent job in remaining connected with their support networks through this time of isolation. College families have juggled all of the different needs of the family members in their homes which I am sure, like with my own family, has proven to be quite challenging at times.

Thomas Hassall teachers and staff have provided and supported quality learning experiences for the students despite the remote conditions. To manage to do this and consistently seek opportunities to be positive, has been a credit to our community. Regular messages from students and families have been a wonderful encouragement to our staff and regular class zooms, Year Meetings, chapels and special assemblies have been an opportunity for staff to encourage students for all the hard work they have been doing.

Thanks so much for the part you have played in making this term possible despite its limitations. There is more uncertainty ahead, but I am confident we can continue to make the best of it together.