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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

Roger Young
Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development

The rain has finally stopped, the sun is shining and exams have largely been completed.

There is a sense of calm and optimism about the place, and we are grateful for the opportunities we have had across a range of activities.

This week we celebrate our version of Harmony Day; we call this ‘Unite Week’. It is an opportunity to celebrate our diversity, (with almost 100 different ethnicities represented) but also our unity (We are Aussies). We week started the week with a wonderful Assembly let by our College Captains and Prefects. It was wonderful for a number of reasons:

  • This was the first Senior School Assembly we have had for almost 2 years. It felt almost strange to be in this situation with so many year groups in one place. While I expected a degree of unsettledness, the audience were wonderful.
  • The students really appreciated being altogether and not separated into Pastoral Care groups watching Online. So big thanks to the Senior Students and Captains for a great start to Unite Week.

All week small activities and opportunities enabled students and staff to share something more of themselves. This week finished with a great celebration of food, dance and ethnic costume or part thereof. It was a great day!

One of the things I love about our community is not just the diversity, but the way in which our students and staff come together as a community. Parents will get a glimpse of what we had the privilege of witnessing today in the photos and the video below although maybe in the future Unite Week could extend into an international food and dance festival that continues into the evening. What is possible?