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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

Sandy Wheeler
Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

Welcome to Barbara the Companion Dog!

As I’ve mentioned in The Way previously and I’m sure you’ve heard from your children - we are trialling a Companion Dog at College which started on Monday. 

Please welcome ‘Barbara the Companion Dog’ who will be joining us each Monday throughout the rest of the term. 


The teachers have prepared their classes for Barbara’s visits including safe hygiene and interactions. Companion dogs contribute many positive outcomes for schools.

We trust Barbara’s presence will uplift the College community by adding joy and positivity while also supporting students in the classroom. It has been a big year and I am pleased to be welcoming this brilliant initiative in the Junior School as we look for creative ways to add more connection and happiness in a world where navigating restrictions seem to be a part of daily life.

Your feedback is welcomed and we hope many children share happy memories of Barbara around the dinner table!