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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

Sandy Wheeler
Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

Keeping Kids Safe on Social Media with the "Safe, Savvy, Social" Framework

Children born between 2010 to 2024 have been called ‘Generation Alpha’ and they are digital natives. They were born into a world with iPads and Instagram and they have grown up with the internet as a part of life. How do we prepare them for a digital world and future?

Let me share with you how we, in the Junior School, are teaching students to be responsible digital citizens.

We use three simple words: Safe, Savvy, Social.

These three words encourage the students to think critically about their online interactions and usage. I have used this language of being Safe, Savvy and Social in our K-6 morning musters this term and it is also being covered in our Manners Matter program. Manners Matter is our daily pastoral care time which is strategically placed before lunch break. Ask your child about the hand actions that go along with each word and see if they remember them. We also posted class ‘Digital Citizen Pledges’ in Seesaw under the headings Safe, Savvy and Social.

With so many children spending time on technology or online, teachers and parents have a shared responsibility to proactively and intentionally teach children to be responsible digital citizens. No matter your position on social media usage, it is a part of how young people can connect with friends, explore topics and express themselves. It is important for students to understand how to use it safely and responsibly. I especially highlight to families the need to be informed about social media platforms and their age recommendations. Many of these are recommended 13 years old and above and new legislation is moving towards 16 and above.


It is essential that children understand how to protect themselves online. Children need to tell a trusted adult when something isn’t right. Consider the following:

  • Access to social media
  • Parental controls and privacy settings
  • Not sharing personal information online
  • Creating strong passwords and keeping them private
  • Talk to a trusted adult when feeling uncomfortable


In addition to staying safe, children must develop a sense of being savvy when it comes to their digital choices. It is about learning skills for being responsible and smart online by making responsible judgements. Consider the following:

  • How do we know what we see or read is true?
  • What is a healthy balance of technology use?
  • We all leave a digital footprint and we need to be careful what we share online.


Just as respectful relationships are developed in the physical world, it is just as important when we are online. We need to teach children how to connect with others in a healthy and positive manner on digital platforms. Consider the following:

  • How do we engage with others positively online as you would in person?
  • Do you as a parent or carer know what they are doing in the digital world and how they are treating others online?
  • What expectations do you have for your child when they socially interact online?

Advice for families

  • Keep having small conversations, often
  • Reassure your children that they can always come to you, no matter what
  • Set up rules and expectations
  • Make use of any safety settings available

I also highly commend these two websites if you are looking for a deeper dive into the world of raising children in a digital world -equipping them for life ahead.

SchoolTV –Because parenting doesn’t come with instructions, SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource that can support you in the challenges relating to modern-day parenting.

Esafety commissioner parents section – We can help our children safely navigate the online world by taking some basic steps to reduce the risks.

Keep these three words in mind - Safe, Savvy, and Social. You can use these words in your home as a complement to the learning we are doing at the College.

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Psalm 25:5