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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

Sandy Wheeler
Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

As the warmer weather begins to roll in, so too have the events in Junior School this fortnight.

On Wednesday afternoon we held a parent information session on the new Mathematics Curriculum presented by Fiona Walker who is an expert in this field from AIS (The Association of Independent Schools).

Fiona has been providing an excellent professional learning program for the teachers on best teaching practice in light of the new syllabus being introduced across NSW in 2024. Fiona commented on our wonderful parent community and was encouraged by your interest, engagement and positive response to the seminar. For those who attended it was great to have you along! I trust you’ve learnt more about how Mathematics is taught and understand what your children are experiencing. I am always pleased to see families taking up opportunities to connect with the College and we look to continue with more Parent Café Series and similar events in the future.


Last Thursday and Friday, Year 4 went on their first overnight camp. It was a great success and they were fortunate to experience calm weather for all their outdoor activities. I was part of the rock-climbing activity group and I was excited to see every student have a go and work as a team to control the ropes! A few students flew up quickly and others stretched themselves by going part-way up the rock wall. I was equally proud of them all for their persistence in the face of this challenge and pushing themselves to reach their personal best. I congratulate Year 4 for their excellent engagement in their camp. They were able to build their character through new experiences and discover more about themselves and their world at the serene Wedderburn Christian Campsite.

The Prep classes visited the Calmsley Hill City Farm this week and enjoyed their first ride on the Thomas Hassall Bus! I asked the Junior School students at Morning Muster who recalled going on this excursion in Prep and a sea of hands went up with fond smiles on their faces. It is a joy to see the students grow from Prep through to Year 6.

Book Week is coming up soon on the 19 August. The Book Parade is scheduled for August 19 and details have been sent to families last week (see below). I hope you can make it and I wish you all the very best with your costume preparation! See more on these events in this edition. 

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

1 Corinthians 1:16-17