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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

Sandy Wheeler
Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

A warm welcome back to all our Junior School families to Term 2 of this academic year.

The College is a buzz in anticipation for the upcoming events happening at the College which you can read about below.

Mother’s Day Stall and Breakfast
Our annual Mother’s Day stall is happening next Thursday as mentioned in our recent broadcast. Can I take this moment to extend a special thanks to our Parent Community Network for their continued act of service in the Junior School. It takes a tremendous amount of effort to plan and then facilitate this community event on a yearly basis. We are very appreciative of all they do.

Likewise, our Mother’s Day Breakfast will be held next Friday. Last year’s breakfast event had a beautiful tone of community spirit with so many of you taking the time from your busy schedules to be there. We anticipate that this year will be to the same tune. Read more about how to make a booking in this edition.

Athletics Carnival
Our Years 3 to 6 Athletics Carnival is fast approaching on 1 June. As a student myself, Athletics Carnival was my favourite sporting day and I recall looking forward to the variety of activities to be involved in on the day. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to excel in the many track and field events on offer. College parents and spectators are most welcome to attend the event. More details to come soon. We are praying for favourable weather!

Creative Arts Performances
Every second year Junior School students get up on stage as part of our Creative Arts performances in the College Auditorium. This term, we will see our Kindergarten and Stage 1 (Year 1 & 2) students take to the stage in song and dance. Year 3 – 6 will have their Creative Performances later in the year. We are privileged to have specialist staff, Mrs Elita Brown and Mrs Lianne Brown lead the Creative Arts Performances. These experiences early on in their learning journey can foster a spark into a flame for future years in the Creative and Performing Arts. The teachers have been so impressed by the enthusiasm and effort from the students and we are thrilled to see their confidence develop each week.

Parent Café
We continue to have our Parent Café open every Friday morning so please come along for a cup of coffee, great food and a chat.

I look forward to seeing you at the next Junior School event!