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From the Deputy Principal

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From The Deputy Principal (inactive)

Deputy Junior
Mrs Christine Bessant
Deputy Principal
It certainly has been a busy one and this past week has been no exception.

The staff and students had a fantastic day last Tuesday dressing up as their favourite book character. This really helps to bring books alive for the students and helps to highlight the joy of reading and why it is so important to be a confident reader. We also had lots of fun at the Kindergarten excursion and also the Tabloid Carnival for our younger students.

Parents in Year 3 and Year 5 received their child’s NAPLAN results also last week. The overall results for the College were very pleasing with most children achieving as expected. The benefit to learning of the NAPLAN tests is that it highlights areas to focus on in the classroom and helps inform our programs. We will be analysing the results in the coming weeks.

Mrs King will be leaving the College to begin her maternity leave. We wish her and her family God’s blessing as they welcome a new addition to the family. Miss Melissa Knight will be taking over from Mrs King during Term 4.

Last week was the final week in the educational journey for Year 12. It is always a joy of mine to watch the growth and development of the students who have started with us as 4 or 5 year olds and then to witness the amazing adults that they have become. One of the highlights for me is seeing the Year 12 spend time in Kindergarten, reading stories to the younger students. This year we also introduced a time for Year 6 to talk to Year 12 about what Senior School is like. They were able to ask all sorts of questions that helped allay some fears and gave the Year 6 students confidence in moving into the Senior School.

Have a safe and refreshing holiday. Enjoy the break and we look forward to ending the year well.