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From the Deputy Principal

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From The Deputy Principal (inactive)

Deputy Junior
Mrs Christine Bessant
Deputy Principal
It is the time of the year where the teachers and students are working hard towards the Semester 1 reports and portfolios

The addition of Seesaw as a way of communicating what is happening for your child in the classroom has meant that we will no longer be producing the traditional portfolios that went home in the red folders. The work samples will be available for you to see through the Seesaw platform. We are also taking this opportunity to trial emailing the reports to all parents rather than sending home a printed copy of the report. This gives parents the opportunity to save the reports digitally as well as helping the environment. Please contact the administration office if you are unable to receive the report electronically and they will print a copy for you.

This week we added some new initiatives to the Junior School. We had our first 'Experience Year 7 for a Day' for our Year 5 students so that the transition to Senior School begins earlier with the aim to improve the experience for our students and parents. We also had the annual Teddy Bears' Picnic for our Kindergarten children, where our Year 12 students joined in. It is so special that we can have these opportunities for our Year 12 students to serve others in the College.

Congratulations to Mrs Scipione on the safe arrival of Sophia Nicole and Mrs Patterson on the safe arrival of Abigail Kate, a joy and blessing to both the families. Mrs Johnson from the Learning Support team will be going on maternity leave next week. We wish her and the family well as they await the birth of their baby and expand their family.