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From the Deputy Principal

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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

Roger Young
Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
Welcome back to a new year full of new opportunities and possibilities.

The good thing about a start to a new year is that it is a fresh start. An opportunity to set new goals, to establish good habits and make an adjustment in the way we approach challenges. Last week students were away at various camps around Sydney and a great time was had by all. These camps are designed to meet the needs of each cohort of students. For instance, the Year 7 camp is focused on building a new team. This helps students to establish new friendships and overcome some of their fears. It is an excellent camp for all our new students to integrate with our existing students. Each camp is designed to promote skills and abilities related to our Graduate Aims (the Graduate Aims can be found on page 5 of our new Strategic Plan). Things like resilience, collaboration, self-regulation, receptiveness and good communication are really needed when you are taken out of your comfort zone and into new and challenging situations. Thank you to all parents who support the College in this important endeavor.

I am excited by where we are right now as a College. Once again our students have performed with some very strong HSC results, but more importantly, this has now been sustained over a number of years. In the past few years we have had some notable performances:

  • 2018: 178th on the Merit List: Thomas Hassall Anglican College
  • 2018: Excellent NAPLAN results across: 3, 5, 7 & 9 demonstrate a consistency across the Junior and Senior School
  • 2018: 1st in the State for English Extension 2: Rebecca Lin
  • High Distinction Society & Culture PIP –  State Top 10 - Sophia Kovac
  • 2018: 6th in the State for Music 1: Gemma Navarette
  • 2018 Encore nominations: Krestian Khanou, Elissa Pearce, Gemma Navarette
  • 2018: Top ATARs: 98.90 Benjamin Shead; 98.60 Moriah Viglione; 98.05 Rebecca Lin; 97.15 Amelia Lin; 96.20 Rachel Squire; 95.55 Jessica Napoletano…
  • 2017: All Drama students (11 students) nominated for On Stage
  • 2017: Encore nominations: Lani Jenson, Georgia Cosier
  • 2017: 7th in the State for Music 1: Georgia Cosier
  • 2016: 5th in the State for Chemistry: Geovanny Gandy
  • 2016: 8th in the State for Senior Science: Monika Mitrevska
  • 2016: 137th on the Merit List: Thomas Hassall Anglican College

The consistency in our academic results is one measure of success, but to see great outcomes for individual performances in sport, the creative and performing arts, and in general leadership beyond school, is an indication of a strength building across the College culture. The Graduate Aims are an aspirational target that we hold for every Thomas Hassall student.

Daniel Mahoney (Year 12 Graduate from 2017) joins the College staff this year as our Sport Assistant. Daniel is choosing to break the normal pursuit of University to serve the College over 2019. At our first assembly of senior students Daniel spoke about his struggle with Year 11; a year in which he almost gave up school because the pressure had got too much. With encouragement from his teachers, Daniel came back to complete Year 12 with a renewed determination. Not only did he finish well but he achieved an excellent ATAR which gave him a wide number of career options. What Daniel experienced, however, was success in conquering his fears and getting to the HSC summit with real integrity. Daniel represents a Thomas Hassall graduate who has clearly demonstrated our Graduate Aims. Well done Daniel it is a pleasure to have you with us for 2019. 

You don’t have to be a star on the sports field or the best in the classroom to become successful, but you do need courage and persistence to grow and develop to the best that you can be. This year we have set ourselves a target as a school to go from “good” to “excellent”. This requires each of us, students, parents and staff, to do our best to encourage and spur one another on. 2019 can be a stand-out year for each of us, but it requires each one to play their part. Please continue to support us as we venture through the year.

Hebrews 10:24 New International Version (NIV) - 'And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.'