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From the Deputy Principal

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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

Roger Young
Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
A great start to Term 2

It has been a very busy time at Thomas Hassall with a flourish of activity across a broad range of areas; this includes multiple sport events, a wonderful creative and performing arts presentation and of course the weekly academic program. Congratulations to all the teachers and students that have been keen participants in whatever you are choosing to put your energy into, be that the classroom, the sports track, the stage or at home tackling the homework or study. Well done for having a go and putting effort and sacrifice into something that may have been challenging and requiring some ‘blood, sweat and tears’. Your sacrifices in this area will be rewarded.

I asked one of our students performing in ‘Leader of the Pack’, how he was enjoying the experience. He enthusiastically gushed, “I love performing each night, I never want the musical to end”. This passionate response took me back; it had been a while since I had heard such a heartfelt love expressed for what essentially is an excellent life ‘learning experience’. Consider for a moment that this student has been at College rehearsing on weekends for most of Term One and has given up time over the holiday break and after school. During these months performers were being really stretched and coming against personal challenges that might not have been easy. It would be tempting to opt out and give up at these times and I guess some students do this, but thankfully for most of our students this is not the  case. When we push through challenges, overcome obstacles and pay the cost then the rewards do follow. In addition, the positive outcomes can build momentum across all areas of learning for each student.

We had a beautiful day for our Senior Athletics Carnival. Despite the headwind that blew most of the day there were a list of College records that were broken by a range of talented athletes. This bodes well for the up and coming NASA Athletics Carnival. These impressive outcomes capped off a wonderful day of colour, excitement and comradery. Teams came together to support one another and the competition was very fierce throughout the day.

The NAPLAN/ Mid-Course Examinations and Major Assessments are upon us; teachers have been preparing their classes for these challenges. The final outcomes will assist students, parents and teachers better understand the skills and understanding each student has acquired and what might need to happen to improve. It is important that all students take the time and effort to prepare for these challenges. There is assistance at College via teachers, study centre tutors and via other students, however, students must be prepared to ask for assistance and where required they need to be ready to put effort into preparing for all of their tasks.

Finally, thank you to all the parents for supporting the College in the education of your children. It takes a real effort to ‘drop off’ and ‘pick up’, to commit to parent teacher nights, to buy a ticket to come to the musical, to encourage and assist your child in their study and commit to sacrifice resources (financial and emotional) in order to educate your children. The rewards will be worth it and are on display every day in so many different ways. Thank you and God Bless!