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From the Deputy Principal

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From The Deputy Principal (inactive)

Deputy Junior
Mrs Christine Bessant
Deputy Principal
Welcome back to all our College families, particularly those who are new to the College.

We have had a very smooth start to the year with our final Prep students joining us today. I love seeing the excitement and enthusiasm for learning in all our students. Our focus for the year is again having a growth mindset, embracing challenges and being positive in all that we do.

I would also like to introduce Mr Luke Sale who has replaced Mr Wheadon as Junior School Deputy. Mr Sale brings a wealth of experience both working as a leader in a school setting and as a trained social worker. He is well suited to working with students and families to solve issues that arise in the playground and to assist in any area of student wellbeing. Please feel free to contact him if you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing.

We also have a number of new staff to the College, Mrs Ferguson and Mr Howard in Year 3, Miss Sheahan and Miss Raj in Year 1 and Mrs Irwin in Kindergarten. We welcome them to the College and pray for them as they settle into life at Thomas Hassall. Mrs Ross is also returning to the College on Year 3.  Miss Cheon will be joining the Learning Support team this year.  

One of the exciting additions to our ICT program in Junior School is iPads in all K – 2 classrooms as well as more access to laptop devices. This will assist our younger students to develop their digital literacy skills. The students in 3 – 6 will continue to have access to a range of devices including one to one laptops in 5 and 6. Years 3 and 4 have both laptops and iPads.  

Another new initiative in the College is the introduction of a Spanish Language Program in Years 1 & 2.  This is the start of an extensive language program that will benefit all students P-6.  Mrs Viviana Morris is an experienced language teacher who brings a depth of knowledge and love of language to he Junior School.  

The best outcomes for students is always achieved when school and the family work closely together. One of the strengths of Thomas Hassall is this partnership.  We value each of you and I encourage you to make sure we keep the communication lines open at all times. Your first point of contact is, of course, the classroom teacher but there are many other members of staff willing to help. Please take every opportunity to be involved in your child’s day to day life at College, share with us your joys as well as your concerns. 2018 is going to be great year.