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Dealing with Change

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As the Year 9 Advisors it has been wonderful to see our cohort embracing new challenges throughout Term 1. Back in Week 2, they enjoyed an outdoor camp experience, camping in tents, hiking and preparing for The Duke of Edinburgh Program, which they can sign up for this year. We were very impressed with Year 9’s positive attitude towards all activities on camp and their responsible and respectful behaviour throughout.

The students have just completed The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), over Weeks 8 and 7. NAPLAN is made up of tests in the 4 areas of: reading, writing, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The results allow parents/carers and educators to see how students are progressing in literacy and numeracy over time; individually, as part of the College community, and against national standards. Well done on making it to the end of NAPLAN.

Year 9 are now eight weeks into their Stage 5 course and undertaking their new elective classes. We hope they are engaged and interested in the subject areas they chose and making the most of their new learning challenges. We encourage students to be active in their learning and study, to be aware of upcoming assessments and manage their time well to complete all necessary tasks and homework.

In our Wellbeing program, Year 9 is focusing on responding to challenges and dealing with change. They have undertaken two lessons during Pastoral Care, completing activities based on overcoming challenges using a strengths based approach and the importance of gratitude. They have also worked on goal setting for the year.

We are looking forward to Easter Chapel on Monday, and pray that you may have a time of peace and joy over the Easter period with loved ones.

Ms Michelle Raft and Mr Joel Garlato
Year 9 Advisors