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Chapel in Senior School

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In our chapel sessions, we are currently delving into the fascinating lives of our House Patrons: Lewis, Carmichael, Liddell, and Wilberforce. Through these explorations, we aim to showcase the passions, achievements, and unwavering faith of these extraordinary individuals. At this moment, we are particularly focusing on the remarkable story of Amy Carmichael.

Amy Carmichael, an inspiring young Irish Christian woman, dedicated an astounding 50 years of her life to the care and support of orphans in Tamil Nadu, Southern India. Her selfless commitment to helping others serves as a shining example to all of us, inspiring us to find meaningful ways to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need. One of the most thought-provoking aspects of Amy Carmichael's legacy is her famous quote, 'Those who only think about themselves don’t think enough.' This simple yet profound statement left a deep impression on the hearts and minds of our students.

The students were reminded to considering the needs of others, to consider that there is more to life than simply this one, to consider that what Jesus has to offer to those who trust him.

Reverend Denis Oliver