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Year 10 Work Experience One 2018

During the last week of Term two, Year 10 students completed a wonderful week of Work Experience in a wide variety of businesses and training institutions.  Feedback evaluation sheets have been returned with glowing accolades for hard work, congenial and cheerful outlooks, kindness, especially to little children and a firm willingness to learn.  Many employers said that the students were a pleasure to have in their work space.

Year 10 have been preparing for this throughout Semester One and it is a great credit to them and staff who have assisted with this, that the cohort has treated the whole experience very seriously and carried themselves with maturity and confidence.  The first day was a nervous start for some, as expectations were an unknown quantity, but as a whole, Year 10s have risen to the work, responded well to encouragement and represented the College superbly well.

Some students did so well that their bosses offered them part time work or even a traineeship in one case. The evaluation sheets are quite precious as they constitute solid evidence of work which is required in many job applications.  They need to be kept safe with other relevant documentation.  After being copied they will be returned to students.

There will be another work experience week at the end of this semester starting on Monday 19 November 2018.  Students may return to the same workplace if they wish but it is recommended that they try something else for variety.

Well done Year 10 on a job well done so far.

Mr Jim Ward
Careers Advisor