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Being Creative in Year 3

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Year Three have been having a wonderful time of learning in Creative Arts groups.

3A and 3W have been focusing on the elements of drama and music while 3G and 3F have been learning to paint like a professional.  

Here are some students’ thoughts on their favourite aspects of learning in the Creative Arts groups:

“You can be creative and create your own designs” - Liam 3F

“Art because it’s just so colourful” -Anya 3F

“I like drama; acting and performing in front of people” – Sofia 3A

“In Music we get to use all different instruments” – Hannah 3W

“I like how you change your voice and move when you act” – Adrian 3W

“We get to do the beats in music” – Maxwell 3A

“I love my bird art because it’s really colourful” – Matija 3G

“I love my tree art because I put lots of effort in and I think it looks good” – William 3G

We look forward to swapping groups in a fortnights time.

Year 3

Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Wood, Mrs Glendinning and Miss Wotton
Year 3 Teachers