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Bebras Challenge

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Earlier in this year, students in 4D and 5D competed in the Bebras Challenge.

Bebras is a computational thinking challenge organised by the CSIRO, which requires students to work through a series of steps to solve some tricky, multi-part problems.

We had a number of students who excelled and achieved a Merit, Credit or Distinction in the Challenge. Congratulations to all these students.

Pep B
Noah O
Kushal S
Tai L

Reyhana A
Abigail B
Gina D
Ashleigh R
Maribella S


Scarlet A
Callie B
Annabel C
Jonah D
Lily-Joy D
Sami E
Lucas G
Ryleigh G
Sean H
Berivan J
Aynie L
Eason M
Abigail R