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From the Acting Principal

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It has been a pleasure taking on the role of Principal.

I have very much enjoyed taking on the role of Acting Principal during Mr Whelan’s absence. I expanded my knowledge in many areas but I am happy to hand the reins back to him and return my focus to the Junior School. Thank you to the staff and students who were very supportive during this time. I am looking forward to hearing the many ideas that Mr Whelan has bought back from his visits to other schools and how that might improve what we do here.

The annual NAPLAN results have been sent out to parents of Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 and you all should have received them by now. These reports are a snapshot of your child and how they performed on the day. They need to be viewed in conjunction with the wealth of information that you have received through your child’s report and meetings with the teacher.

The College-wide results have been very positive. We are again above state average in most areas. Our writing and numeracy results are strong across the grades and we have seen improvement in Grammar and Punctuation.

This is the first year where students in Year 9 had an opportunity to qualify for the HSC in the areas of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. Year 9 parents received more detailed information about this process and the opportunities that are in place for each student to qualify before Year 12.

Our Year 12 cohort have just completed their trial HSC and are in the process of having their Major Works marked in the practical subjects such as Art, TAS, Music and Drama. The next five weeks are a stressful time for our Year 12 students as they complete 13 years of schooling and try to make sure they are well prepared. It is also stressful for families so please make sure your child is getting enough sleep, eating well and taking time to balance study and life.

Finally, thank you again for your ongoing support and welcome back Mr Whelan.

Christine Bessant
Acting Principal