Year 12 Update
Mr Roper and I had a wonderful time speaking with Year 12 this week in their extended Pastoral Care lesson. I gave a presentation on the steps involved when completing a university application with UAC (Universities Admissions Centre) Each year UAC process more than 70,000 applications. It’s an exciting time for our Year 12 students as they prepare to embark on a life after school. However, it can also be a stressful time for them with many decisions to be made. We also spoke about the early entry options that are available. Some universities already have their early entry applications open and many of our students have submitted applications. Mr Roper also presented information about the TAFE options that are available for students in 2024.
Mid Course Examinations
Next week, Year 10 students will sit for their Mid Course Examinations. Students are expected to be in attendance for all exams. If a student misses an exam for any reason, parents must email me to provide an explanation. I will then organise a catch-up time for you to complete the examination. Students should ensure that mobile phones and any other electronic devices are placed in their lockers and not brought into the examination room. I encourage all students to do their best. Remember, exams are a great way to identify areas and topics that you’re understanding as well as those areas that need more work. Best wishes Year 10.
I spoke at the Senior School Assembly this week with an update around the use of AI/Chatbots/ChatGPT in assessment tasks. This was a follow-up to the information that I sent to parents and students at the end of Term 1. At assembly, I detailed the importance of doing individual research and writing assessment tasks yourself. That it was the best way to build a deep understanding of course content and a way to meet NESA outcomes successfully. I also reminded students that if they choose to use these types of sites to write their tasks that they will be subject to mark penalties or may receive no marks for their task.
Study Centre
A reminder, the after school Study Centre is available for all students in Years 7-12. The expectation in relation to behaviour is that students will be respectful and cooperative. Students must attend Study Centre with work to do or a book to read. Parents, could you ensure you collect your child via the JBlock carpark pick-up area. The Study Centre operates Monday-Thursday from 2.40pm – 5.00pm.