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From the Academic Dean of Students

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Year 12
Our Year 12 HSC students are approaching the halfway point of their final year of secondary school study. Collectively they have already completed a staggering 1,100 assessments. At this point of the year it can sometimes feel that the HSC journey is never going to end. However, I encourage Year 12 not to look at how far there is to go but at how far they have already come. There are two very busy terms to go but they will also be very exciting. University applications open in August and a number of our students will begin applying for early entry options too. Remain positive Year 12, take one task at a time and remember that we are all cheering you on.  

Study Centre
The after school Study Centre has continued to be a very popular destination for students in Years 7-12. A place where students can access help with their homework, assessments and test preparation. It’s a wonderful resource provided by the College and all Senior School students are welcome. If you are intending to come along to Study Centre please remember to bring along work to do or a book to read. Attendance at Study Centre is voluntary, so please ensure that you come along with the intention to work quietly and productively. Electronic and computer games are not permitted.  Parents, could you ensure you collect your child via the JBlock carpark pick-up area. The Study Centre operates Monday-Thursday from 2.40pm – 5.00pm.

Request for Leave
State borders have now reopened and a number of Request for Leave applications have been submitted. Could I remind parents that all extended leave requests must be made in writing. The application forms can be found via the College website. The College follows the NSW Government guidelines in accordance with their school attendance policy. Therefore, requests for leave for the purpose of a holiday for students in Years 10-12 will not be approved. The implications of taking unapproved leave is that in-class assessment tasks and examinations will not be moved and this will impact student results. Leave for compassionate reasons will be assessed on a case by case basis.

Ms Kelie Munro
Academic Dean of Students