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15 years and under Secondary Boys Football program trials for 2019

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15 years and under boys football trials for 2019 program.

It has been a great year for the 15 years and Under Secondary Boys Football (Soccer) Program, with participating in a range of competitions;  NASSA Football Gala Day, Bill Turner Cup, MISA Football and also the Wanderers’ Cup.  Earlier in the year some of the boys joined the Opens team at the CIS Football Cup.


Trials for the 2019 Advanced Pathway Program - 15 years and Under Secondary Boys  Football Program will be held this term:

Date:    Tuesday 25 September

Time:    7.00am - 8.30am

Venue:  College oval.  If we have wet weather, trials will be held in the new Sports Complex (joggers to be worn)

Flyers are currently being printed with information regarding the program and an application form. These will be emailed to all eligible students and paper copies will be made available at Student Reception.

All boys who are 15 years and Under in Secondary School  - Years 7 - 10 in 2019 are eligible to trial.

Current Year 6 boys wishing to join the program are also eligible to trial as they will be in Senior School next year.

The 2019 program commences in Term 4, 2018 and continues into Terms 1, 2 and 3, 2019.

For more information about the program, please contact Mrs Evans.