The Way Weekly Update I Friday 16 July 2021

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

It’s been an interesting first week for every family, student and staff member, hasn’t it?

Thank you to you all for such a calmness in the reintroduction of the Blended Learning Online.  For the most part, it seems that engagement levels are high and the communication is positive.  At the same time, if there are any issues we need to hear about them.  Contact can be made at the class level with teachers, or at College level by emailing or calling the College, we have staff available throughout the day to help you.

The College Captains have sent a message of encouragement through to Senior School students this week through their PC classes.  I wanted to share this video message with our College Community as it is an uplifting one, you can view the message in this edition. Sreya and Tino are leading well. Year 12 students are once again having to manage the uncertainty of their last term programs, and we are working with them through the issues.  For those heading to university in 2022, there is a general optimism that universities are very keen to have their enrolment numbers at a maximum, which provides an advantage for young people considering university next year.

The College social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are also bringing key messages to our families and friends.  You are able to keep up to date with general news and highlights through our social media sites.  This week Rev. David Ould from St John's Anglican Cathedral Parramatta and also a College parent asked me for an interview for the Facebook page.  You can view this online.

We are pleased that the staff at the College are now able to receive their vaccinations as part of the priority program for education staff in the south-west.  As the links came through this week staff have been quick to access the booking sites. 

Let's stand together as a community at this time, should you or your family need a helping hand at this time please call on us and we will find ways to assist you.  It is a critical time in the community, and we all need to take extra care of those around us.

Thank you again at this time for your consideration, understanding and goodwill. 

‘…be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace’. Ephesians 4:2

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal - Head of Junior School
Luke Sale

As we draw an end to our first week in lockdown, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our community.

The nature of the lockdown means that we feel more isolated than we ordinarily are and that will affect us all in very different ways. During this time, it is important to remember that you are still an important part of the Thomas Hassall Community. If you need help, please reach out and ask for it - do get in contact with your child's teacher by email or call the College and they will get the message through.

One way that we will be connecting with students is through Zoom. Some classes have started zoom today and the majority will begin next week. These sessions are a time when students can say hello to their teachers and receive feedback from them about their work. I know that teachers are working hard setting and marking work, as well as giving some feedback where possible.  It is important that your child follows the guidelines that have been set out to ensure it remains a safe and useful tool for students and staff.  View the Using Zoom video below and also read through the guidelines sent to you via the College App and email this afternoon.

I am very encouraged hearing from the teachers how well students have adapted to learning online and I know we couldn't do it without your support and assistance.  We look forward to continuing this journey with you.  Please send through some images of your child's learning at home that we might be able to share with the community.  Send them to [email protected]

Enjoy a well deserved break this weekend and let's get ready for another exciting week of learning.

Mr Luke Sale
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the College Chaplain
Denis Oliver

I don’t feel safe! What is the government doing? How long must we be in lockdown? Do we have a future? 

These were some of the concerns of Israel in 736 BC when Jerusalem was under siege.

God has something to say to His people.

12 “Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy,

and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread.

13 But the Lord of hosts, Him you shall honor as holy.

Let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread.

14 And He will become a sanctuary…

- Isaiah 8

This Bible passage reminds us not to get caught up in the latest conspiracies and blame games that float around when people are scared – it is so easy to adopt other people’s fears (v.12).

We are told to make God holy (v.13).  The best way to make God holy is to make him number 1 in our heart – we need to declutter our hearts of unhealthy fears and expectations and replace them with trust in the Lord.  

Faith says ‘I am not in control of my circumstances, but I know the one who is’. Faith says, ‘If God can use the death of His Son to save the World, then he can bring good from COVID’.

God has the future, use the present to trust and serve Him. 

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
Student Wellbeing - From the School Psychologist

The lockdown period has been extended until at least the 30 July and we are very aware that most of our families are located in the areas where higher case numbers have been reported and stricter restrictions have been imposed. Lockdown fatigue is another term that has developed out of these new experiences. We have had to come to terms with a virus that has affected every aspect of our lives and it can leave you feeling physically and mentally exhausted.

Your children are being supported by their teachers, year advisers, staff from the wellbeing team as well as our College Psychologists.  We have a team of 3 dedicated psychologists who can assist you and your child if you feel that their mental health has been impacted or they are struggling in one way or another. 

counselling team

We have a dedicated page with a range of resources to support you and your child/ren during this period. This page also provides you with a link to request an appointment for your child to speak to the psychologist.

The College is here at all times to support you during this, please ensure you reach out if you need to.

Essential Workers

Are you an essential worker and need to have your child onsite?
The College has staff onsite each day to assist in supervising students of essential workers. It is important to register if your child/ren need to attend so that we can plan for staffing.

Below is some important information if you are brining your child to the College for this supervision:

Junior School Requirements (Prep to Year 6)

  • Junior School students will need to be dropped at Gate 17 on Southern Cross Drive (near Kindergarten playground) from 7.45am to 8.20am
  • Students will be working through their online learning throughout the day. Please send your child with headphones.
  • Students will have their recess and lunch during normal break times in the IRC forecourt. There is no Canteen Service so please ensure your child has their food packed.
  • Students can wear either their formal or sports uniform on any of the days they are attending.
  • At 2.30pm, students can be collected at Gate 17. Please collect your student by no later than 3.00pm unless attending After College Care.

Senior School Students (Years 7-12)

  • Senior School students will enter via Gate 3 and proceed directly to the IRC (N Block Library) at 7.55am.
  • Masks will need to be worn indoors at all times, unless an appropriate exemption applies. If your child is catching a bus to College, they will also need to be wearing this whilst travelling to and from College.
  • Students will be working through their online learning throughout the day. A fully charged device and headphones will be required.
  • Students will have their recess and lunch during normal break times in the IRC forecourt. There is no Canteen Service so please ensure your child has their food packed.
  • Students can wear either their formal or sports uniform on any of the days they are attending.
  • At 2.35pm, students can be picked up in the N block Carpark. Please collect your student by no later than 3:00pm.

COVID Requirements

  • If your child or a member of your household has the mildest of symptoms, please get that person tested immediately. Whilst awaiting the result of anyone in your families, your child or children must NOT attend College.
  • If a member of your household has been advised that they are a close contact as defined by NSW Health, please do not send your child to College.
  • If a member of your household is a casual contact as defined by NSW Health, please ensure that person gets tested immediately and await a negative result before sending your child or children to the College.


During this period of change and uncertainty across NSW, OSHClub are committed to remaining open for families who are unable to provide education and care at home.

What will happen to my existing bookings? 
From Monday 19 July OSHClub will not charge families that keep their children at home, instead these bookings will be marked as an absence

We will be waiving the gap fee for all absences during this time, meaning our parents will not be charged if you keep your child/ren at home. 

OSHClub will continue to receive the Child Care Subsidy from the Government for these absences in line with the childcare support announcement from the Australian Government on 15 July 2021.  This support will ensure we can continue to provide a safe, engaging outside school hours care option for families in our community.

We anticipate that this arrangement will be in place until the end of ‘Learning from Home’ directive from the NSW Government.

We thank you for your understanding and support.

College Photos

The 2021 College photos that were to take place in Week 3 have been postponed to Week 7. 

The cut off date for ordering the photos have been extended.  More information will be sent out about photos next week.

Term 3 Fees

We are aware that the extension of the lockdown will have a significant impact on some of our families businesses or on individuals ability to earn their normal income.

If your family has any concerns regarding the payment of Term 3 fees due to the impact of COVID-19, you are encouraged to contact Mr Angelo Dinjar on 9608 0033 or [email protected]. There are a number of options that we can discuss with you and be assured that your financial situation is kept confidential at all times.

We were able to work together on this matter with our affected families in our previous lockdown last year and are confident we can do so again.

Mrs Rebecca Clarke
Business Manager