The Way Weekly Recap I Friday 12 June 2020

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Last week in The Way we published words and photos from students to express our support and care for so many people impacted by the issues of race and disharmony in the United States, but also here in Australia

It was pleasing to receive feedback to thank the students. We have taken the issue forward with students in assemblies and gatherings, both this week and next, in order to examine the issues. 

Let me assure every family that the College has zero tolerance for racism and as we bring these issues in front of our students, it will be in the context of a strong, Christian vision for harmony and unity. These are important times to stand together for harmony and unity. It is a joy to see that expressed in our playground and classrooms.

As the community restrictions around group gatherings open up, there will be opportunities in Term 3 for interschool sport and for other external programs to recommence.  With the end of Term only 2 weeks away, there will be online sessions for Parent Teacher Evening for Year 11 & 12 students next Thursday 18 June. Subject selection evening for Year 11 2021 will be online on Monday 15 June.  Details have been sent to you by email. 

Thank you again for your patience with the traffic plan. Small changes can make a large difference with our numbers and you will receive further details in the coming days.

Please enjoy the articles in this edition of The Way.

‘Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.  Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.’  Psalm 37:3-4

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development
Roger Young

It is now a few weeks into being back on campus full time and it has been great to have the students engaging positively with life once more.

Despite the tensions in the community, there is a collective determination to come together and move forward. Whilst we cannot engage in full contact sport, students are still engaging in a range of competitive activities which include developing skills, gamesmanship and teamwork. The recent House Sport Competition was a great testament to how students have adapted to the changes that have taken place. We are looking forward to providing more opportunities for students to give account of themselves across the Senior School.

Our Virtual Assemblies and Chapels still provide opportunities for the College to come together around a common theme. This semester we have been focusing on ‘Loving in Relationships’. Although we have put a spotlight on this topic, it doesn't mean that putting the ‘theory into practice’ is easy. Doing relationships well is hard work and there are times when we get this wrong. When this happens, tempers fray and communication can break down. At a time when there is already a sense of anxiousness across our community it is even more important that we be more determined to bring people together to resolve and talk about our differences/ issues. I think this can happen at every level: in the classroom, in the playground, across friendship groups and via our electronic communication.

Remember, we are loved so passionately by a great God and when we connect with this reality, it is so much easier to share this with our broader community.

'Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.' 1 John 4:7-8 


Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
From the Director of Teaching and Learning

What a ride I have experienced in my first semester at Thomas Hassall Anglican College.

As Director of Teaching and Learning in the Junior School, it certainly has been a dynamic journey as we have considered best instruction whether online or in the classroom for the students in our care.

Now we come to the end of Semester One, it is time for the teachers to reflect on the students in their classes, report to families about the progress that has been made and discover the ways forward as we approach Semester Two.

This year, due to the many adjustments that we have all had to make to our lives, including online learning, the Junior School reports will look a little different this semester. We will be reporting on the learning that has taken place so far this year, both at home and at College, by using a 3-point grading system – Approaching Grade Level, Working at Grade Level, and Working above Grade Level. We will also include comments indicating each student’s progress and achievements, as well as suggesting areas for improvement and practice.

As always, the most important issue is how we can all work together to support each child develop to their full potential. Our Semester One report is one part of this process.

I look forward to meeting many of you as we continue the College year.

Ms Lisa Hansford
Director of Teaching and Learning - Junior School

From the Assistant Chaplain

I love sitting in my house during a big storm.

Hearing the thunder from a distance, hearing the wind battering our doors and the rain crashing down around us while sitting with a nice cup of tea in my hand makes me feel incredibly safe and secure. 

I also love being the ‘safe place’ for my kids. Holding my girls in my arms knowing that they can always rely on me for love and protection.

We all know what it is like to feel safe and secure, don’t we?

In Proverbs 18:10 it says “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.”

The book of Proverbs with commonly known as ‘wisdom literature’. It was written by Solomon who had great God given wisdom. In Solomon’s wisdom he calls us to run to God for that is where safety lies. What an amazing picture this is. God is our safe place, our place of refuge. He promises us that he is always there and they we can always come to Him for love and protection.

I would love to encourage you to come to God, not only in times of need but always as He is our strong tower and our protection.


Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
Sibling Applications 2022

We are now taking applications for Prep and Kindergarten for 2022.

To secure sibling priority, all applications are to be submitted 24 months in advance.

To apply for a 2022 position, please fill out an application form.

If you have any questions, please contact our Enrolments team on 9608 0333. 

Book now for the 5 day School Holiday Football (Soccer) Camp

You can now invite friends and family to the Kinder - Year 9 July Holiday Football (Soccer) Camp

Date:   Monday 13 - Friday 17 July 2020

Time:  8.30am - 2.30pm


The College is excited to have the July Holiday Football (Soccer) Camp running in the upcoming school holidays.  The camp is open to students at Thomas Hassall Anglican College, their friends and family.

The camp will run in the last week of the July school holidays, from 13 – 17 July and students from Thomas Hassall can invite their friends along to join in the fun!

Students will be involved in activities that develop soccer skills and promote understanding of the game.  The daily training will be designed to improve the skill level of each individual. 

Our Football Director, Mr Sonny Makko will be leading the program and it is offered to boys and girls in Kindergarten to Year 9.

Details and enrolment information can be found on the flyer

Click the link to book your spot! 

Save the date and invite your friends to join in the fun!!

For more details please contact Mrs Evans [email protected]

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator 


Project Based Learning

Stage 4 Mandatory Technology students participate in a range of activities to develop their interest in project-based learning activities.

One of the new components added into the 2019 syllabus update includes Digital Technologies, where stage 4 students learn about computational thinking, pseudocode and basic algorithms. Over the coming weeks, stage 4 students are participating in learning activities, using physical Arduino boards and their components to create scenarios that would use blinking lights, lights that change colours and lights that can be controlled by dials.

Mrs Helen Bull
Year 7 Advisor & TAS Teacher


New Ways of Engagement & Delivery of Information

It's been exciting over this time to see new initiatives and ways of offering information and opportunities for students, parents and teachers.

We have been engaging online with our students through our Assemblies and Chapels. Recently we held a Q & A Webinar Session for Parents about the Year 7 Experience. This was received very well with a panel of experts delivering an informative live session with a real-time Q & A session.

On Monday night we have our Year 11 2021 Subject Selection Evening also being delivered as a live event. This is an important time for our Year 10 students as they think about their future and in turn, choose subjects for their HSC. Once again we have gathered a team of experts to give direction to students and parents along with helpful information as they enter this phase of their schooling journey.

We will be holding the first of our Parent Teacher Sessions, commencing with Year 11 & 12, on Thursday night. The interviews will be conducted over Zoom, where parents can have a live session with teachers discussing their child's progress. Many of us have been using this technology over the last few months and it's a great way in this age of social distancing and isolation, to connect with each other. It is also an opportunity to allow parents who may have found it difficult to attend these sessions normally, to do so. That evening, we will also be conducting a live Webinar, HSC in Perspective, led by Mrs Petersen, Director of Student Counselling.  It will focus on ways to support students as they approach their HSC.  It will also outline techniques that parents and teachers can use to support students through triumphs and disappointments, as well as managing expectations. This will be a valuable time to learn some strategies to support your child as they prepare for their HSC exam.