Term 1 | The Way Newsletter | Friday 7 March 2025

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From the Principal

We have continued to recognise our past, present and future in the last 2 weeks. Yesterday we officially opened our new STEM building as part of our celebrations for our 25th anniversary.

Many of you may not be aware that Hoxton Park was once home to an airport, which explains why so many of the surrounding streets are named after airlines and aviation-related themes.

We have continued to respect the past and aviation theme in naming our new STEM building the John Flynn Centre, in honour of Reverend John Flynn, the founder of the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

The naming of our building also reflects today. It is located on Flynn Avenue, which was also named after John Flynn. This building has been designed to foster excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics—subjects that were needed to develop the Flying Doctor vision. Subjects that will help shape the future for our students. As we celebrate 25 years of learning, growth, and faith, we look ahead with anticipation, knowing that the foundations we lay today will support the aspirations and achievements of generations to come.

Year 7 parents had an opportunity to see the inside of the building and enjoy the new spaces last night at our Meet the Teacher evening. This was another wonderful event where parents could experience College life by walking alongside their children and visiting their classrooms and learning spaces. If you are interested in going on a tour or attending an information session with me later this month please let us know through the new The Way We Connect form found later in this newsletter.

The Junior School has enjoyed a very settled few weeks. I always appreciate seeing the students in the playground and hearing about their activities. They are keen readers and love to share the stories they are reading, and it is great to know how much they are learning. I cannot encourage families enough to invest in regular reading with your children. It truly impacts their future education.

Finally, I want to bring to your attention an event we are hosting later this month. Dr Justin Coulson will be speaking to both staff and parents. He holds a PhD in Psychology and is one of Australia’s most trusted parenting experts. He will be speaking to our community on Thursday 27 March on the topic of resilience and how we can support our children in developing this crucial skill. Whilst the event is free for families, you will need to book to secure seats.  

With thanks to the feedback provided through The Way We Connect section, we are also hosting a College Insights session on Thursday 27 March at 5pm in the new STEM Building. I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you about academic results and student learning. More details can be found in this edition of The Way.

Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Mrs Karen Easton
From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
Sandy Wheeler

I’d like to start by sharing a highlight from last weekend where I had the pleasure of spending time at JAM camp (Jesus and Me) which was held in the beautiful surrounds of the Royal National Park. It was a wonderful time of fun and learning about Jesus. I’d especially like to thank the staff who lead on JAM camp last week – Rev. Oliver, Miss Broadstock, Mr Buckley, Mrs Flack, Mr Stroud and Mr Butchatsky. I encourage all families with students in Year 5 or Year 6 to consider going next year! I was greatly encouraged after one of the discussion groups where a student said ‘our life isn’t perfect, but Jesus is perfect. We can trust in Him during the storms of life’. Our College is a place where children can explore the Christian faith and consider Jesus- how wonderful!

Next week we have a lot happening around the College. I’ve outlined below key events that are happening and I hope to see many of you at our Parent-Teacher Interviews on Tuesday and Thursday.

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Parent-Teacher Interviews are happening next week on Tuesday and Thursday. The bookings closed at 3pm today, Friday 7 March. Email [email protected] if you need to discuss changes to your booking. These times provide valuable opportunities for parents and teachers to partner together as we prepare for a strong year of learning for every child. Thank you for making the time to come along.

Open Week

Next week we welcome visitors onsite to see the College first-hand and learn more about us. Open Week is a great opportunity to encourage people you know to come along and discover the exceptional programs, vibrant community, and supportive environment we have here.

Junior School Cross Country

Our Cross Country Carnival for Years 3-6 is scheduled for Tuesday next week. It’s a chance for everyone to strive for their personal best as they participate in long-distance physical activity and cheer on their peers. This event is dependent on the weather and we will communicate with families if this does not go ahead as planned.


As we approach the beginning of NAPLAN mid-next week, students in Years 3 and 5 have had the opportunity to become familiar with the testing format and have been supported in the lead up, ready to give it their best effort. NAPLAN is one snapshot of their achievement in assessing literacy and numeracy skills. Results are shared with families later in the year.

Through all seasons of life, we can be encouraged by God’s Word. When the storms of life come, we can draw strength from Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. I look forward to seeing you around the College next week at one of our special events.

Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."

Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the Deputy Principal & Head of Senior School
David Butler

It’s been another big week at the College, with plenty happening across the campus. From the official opening of the John Flynn Centre for STEM to a fantastic Meet the Teacher evening for our Year 7 families, there’s been a great sense of energy and community.

The new STEM building is already proving to be a game-changer. Open, modern and designed for collaboration, it’s been great to see students settling in and making the most of the space. Whether working on projects in the breakout areas or diving into hands-on activities in the classrooms, there’s no doubt this facility will be a huge asset to the College for years to come.

One of the real highlights of the STEM opening was the way our College Prefects stepped up to support the event. Whether they were helping guests find their way, serving, or simply taking the time to chat with visitors, they showed exactly what leadership at Thomas Hassall is all about. The number of compliments we received about their professionalism, warmth and initiative was a real credit to them. They did the College proud.

Thursday evening saw Year 7 families return to campus for Meet the Teacher night, and what a special event it was. There’s nothing quite like seeing students proudly walk their parents through the spaces they use every day, introducing them to teachers, and sharing their experiences so far. The shared dinner provided a great chance for families to connect, and the information session gave parents a better understanding of what’s ahead this year. These moments help build strong relationships between home and school, and it was fantastic to see such a great turnout.

Now with construction complete, there are some changes to pick-up and drop-off zones for Year 7 - 12, as well as to the Study Centre. More details are in this edition of The Way, so please be sure to familiarise yourself with the updates.

A big thank you to all the students and staff who played a part in making this week such a success. There’s plenty more ahead this term, and we look forward to it!

Mr David Butler
Deputy Principal & Head of Senior School
From the Chaplain
Denis Oliver

Last weekend, we had an incredible time at JAM Camp at Rathane! The students dove into a variety of activities—archery, catapult building, and even Billy cart racing!

arch JAM
cat JAM

When we arrived, I was struck by the beauty of the place—just like many of the parents. But ironically, the kids barely noticed! Their attention was locked on their friends.


At one point, I spotted a massive sea eagle soaring overhead. I pointed it out excitedly, but the kids barely glanced up before returning to their conversation. It reminded me that focus is a kind of voluntary blindness—the choice to fix our eyes on one thing while ignoring everything else.

This happens in our spiritual lives too. Even Jesus' own disciples, who walked with Him daily for years, missed what was right in front of them:

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”
Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”
Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?”
 John 14:6-9

The disciples had spent years with Jesus, yet they still didn’t fully grasp that He was God. Whatever had their attention made them blind to the obvious. And honestly, we’re no different—our focus often keeps us from seeing what truly matters.

At this year’s JAM Camp, we centred our focus on the miracles of Jesus from the book of John. We explored Jesus and others before reflecting on Jesus and me (JAM).

In the busyness of life, it’s crucial for Christians to intentionally focus on Jesus. Sometimes that means setting aside quiet time to reflect. Other times, it happens in the middle of our day—reading the Gospel for 15 minutes with our child or having a conversation about faith on the way home from church.

Whatever it looks like, make time now. They grow up fast.

Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain
From the Junior School Director of Teaching and Learning

 "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." Michael Jordan, US basketball player

I have been thinking of these words as we settle into learning in Term 1. Teachers, students and families start each new year in the anticipation of concentrated periods of learning and progress. Setting up classrooms, engaging with new teachers and new friends, assessments, completing units of work, communication with parents and teachers at interviews.

What does it mean for our students to succeed? Does it mean to get As in their report? Obtaining a prize at Celebration? Or does it mean that each student challenged themselves to achieve new goals and made plenty of mistakes as they did?

At Thomas Hassall, teachers want students to show determination in their learning. We hope that students set goals and then work hard to achieve them. A goal may involve academic learning, or social behaviours in the playground, or working with others in the classroom.

As we continue the busyness of the term, preparing for important parent/teacher interviews, please encourage your children to push themselves academically and socially. The way to true success is through displaying determination and by recognising the importance and value of making mistakes.

Ms Lisa Hansford
Director of Teaching and Learning - Junior School
From the Director of Student Wellbeing - Senior School
Director of Student Wellbeing

Supporting Student Wellbeing Together

At our College, we recognise that wellbeing is the foundation for students to achieve success and flourish in all aspects of their education. To support this, we are excited to welcome a range of expert presenters to engage with each year group, focusing on key topics relevant to their development. These sessions will be delivered by psychologists, police liaison officers, university lecturers, and young adults sharing personal experiences, ensuring students receive insights from both professional expertise and real-world perspectives.

A Collaborative Approach to Wellbeing

Wellbeing is not just about what happens at school—it is a shared responsibility between the College and families. When students receive consistent messages at home and in the classroom, they are better equipped to apply what they learn in their daily lives. We encourage parents and caregivers to engage in conversations with their children about these sessions, reinforcing strategies and perspectives that will help them navigate challenges with confidence. The wellbeing sessions run as part of our Pastoral Care programme.

Empowering Student Voice

Student voice is a vital part of our wellbeing initiatives, and we actively seek feedback to ensure these sessions are meaningful and relevant. Year 7–12 students have the opportunity to discuss wellbeing topics and contribute their perspectives during our Student Voice Meetings in Week A, every Thursday. These meetings allow students to share their experiences, suggest improvements, and play an active role in shaping the wellbeing programs at the College. If students have ideas or would like to be Student Voice Representative, please speak with their year advisor.

Wellbeing Presentations for Each Year Group

Each year group will participate in tailored presentations that address the specific challenges and opportunities they may encounter:

  • Year 7 – Emotional Regulation: Learning strategies to understand and manage emotions effectively, learning skills to self-regulate and calm themselves before situations escalate.
  • Year 8 – Thinking Traps: This workshop aims to help students identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts that can lead to anxiety, self-doubt, or disengagement, promoting resilience and positive thinking.
  • Year 9 – Connections that Count (Online and In-Person): Developing healthy relationships and navigating social interactions safely. Students gain an insight into how their online choices can affect their relationships.
  • Year 10 – Dealing with Conflict: Equipping students with skills to handle disagreements constructively.
  • Year 11 – Responsible Relationships and Critical Decision-Making as Young Adults: Preparing students for the increasing independence and responsibilities of young adulthood. This workshop works through questions such as : how do I find, build and navigate healthy and safe relationships?
  • Year 12 – HSC Stress and Anxiety Management: Providing practical strategies to manage stress and maintain wellbeing during the final year of school. Skills include learning to challenge unhelpful thinking, limiting avoidance and procrastination, enhancing helpful action, and practicing self-care. 

Respecting Our Shared Environment

As we focus on personal wellbeing, it is also important to consider our collective responsibility to maintain the College environment. Our students are privileged to learn in outstanding facilities, and taking pride in our grounds and buildings is an essential part of fostering a positive learning culture. By respecting our shared spaces, we create an environment where everyone can feel comfortable, inspired, and ready to learn. Please encourage each other to take care of the areas including ensuring all litter is picked up and placed in bins, locker areas are left clean and reporting anything that needs fixing.

Together, through collaboration, student voice, and respect for our College environment, we can continue to build a school community where every student has the opportunity to thrive.

The Senior School Hub – A Space for Support and Growth

In the Senior School, students have access to the Senior School Hub, a dedicated space designed to provide both academic and wellbeing support. This vibrant yet welcoming environment houses the Learning Support team, the Academic Dean, the Director of Teaching and Learning, and the Wellbeing team, ensuring a holistic approach to student success. Whether students need help managing their academic workload, assistance with learning strategies, or guidance in regulating emotions, the Hub offers a supportive space where they can seek help when needed.

Students may be referred to the Senior School Hub by teachers, wellbeing staff, or family members, but they are also encouraged to self-refer when they feel they need extra support. This might be for reasons such as academic challenges, difficulty managing stress, emotional regulation, or personal wellbeing concerns.

We encourage all students to actively engage in the wellbeing sessions and Pastoral Care programme and make the most of the valuable insights they provide. By working together we can create a supportive environment where every student feels empowered to grow and succeed. Let’s continue to foster open conversations about wellbeing at home and at school, reinforcing the strategies students are learning. We look forward to seeing the positive impact of these initiatives and thank our families for their ongoing partnership in supporting student wellbeing.

Dr Anna Nalla
Director of Student Wellbeing - Senior School

Upcoming dates

Date Event
Monday 10 March  Open Week Commences 
Tuesday 11 March 

Junior School Cross Country

Year 10 French Excursion

Junior School Parent Teacher Interviews  

Wednesday 12 March  NAPLAN Commences
Thursday 13 March 

Junior School Parent Teacher Interviews

Year 12 Parent Teacher Interviews

Saturday 15 March  OPEN DAY - BOOK HERE
Wednesday 19 March Year 6 Camp - Canberra
Thursday 20 March  Senior School Cross Country
Friday 21 March Year 11 Chemistry - ANSTO Excursion

Please see Sports Update articles for all important sporting dates.  

Kindy Parent Meet Ups

The Parent Community Network has organised some upcoming meet ups for parents in Junior School, creating a welcoming space to connect.

Whether you’re catching up with familiar faces or meeting new parents for the first time, these gatherings at the Parent Café are a great way to feel part of the community. Don’t worry if you don’t know anyone—we’ll make sure you’re introduced to other parents, so you can feel right at home.

If you would like to know more please ask in the Parent's Whatsapp Group for the revelant grade. If you are not yet part of a WhatsApp group and would like to be use this form.


Friday 14 March 
8.20am - 9.30am 

Calling all Sibling Applications

We will soon be commencing our Enrolment Interview process for students commencing in 2026.

If you have a child you would like to enrol for 2026,  please visit our website and complete the application form as soon as possible. The 2026 enrolments processes have already commenced. 


Please be reminded that to qualify for Prep 2026, your child must turn 4 by 30 April 2026. Any child who turns 4 after this date will apply for Prep 2027.

You do not need to apply for Kindergarten 2026 if your child has already been accepted into the Prep program for 2025. This also applies to current Year 6 students going into Year 7 2026. Your child’s enrolment will automatically continue.

If you have any questions, please contact Enrolments on 9608 0033 and speak to Marissa Poll (Junior School) or Amanda Low (Senior School).

EventsBack to Top

You're Invited: "College Insights" with the Principal

College Insights: An Information session about Academic Results & Student Learning

Many parents have questions about academic results—how they’re structured, what they mean and what to expect for their child. After ongoing discussions through emails and at the Parent Café, we’re offering a chance to explore these topics in a relaxed and open setting.

Join Principal Karen Easton for a casual information session on Thursday 27 March at 5pm in our new STEM Building. This session will provide insight into how academic results work, how students learn, and what this means for your child’s progress. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions throughout the session.

This is also a great chance to visit our John Flynn Centre for STEM, a purpose-built space designed to support hands-on learning in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

For those attending the Wellbeing Matters event at 6pm, this session is conveniently scheduled beforehand, making it easy to attend both.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Open Week

The College is excited holding Open Week from March 10 - 15. 

This day is a great opportunity for anyone considering enrolment to see the College in action.

There will an opportunity to visit classrooms, hear from the Principal and ask questions about the College.

Please let your family and friends know and encourage them to register for this event through the button below. 

Movie Night

Join us for a movie night as we watch 

Friday 4 April | 5.30pm

This is a free event and everyone is welcome. Gates open at 5.30pm with food trucks and entertainment. The movie will begin at 6.30pm.

Bring your picnic rug and blanket and join us on the oval. In the event of wet weather, the event will move indoors.

Gift Donation
If you have a business that would like to donate to our pre-movie activities, please contact us [email protected]

Your company name and logo will be displayed on the big screen before the movie commences.

Dr Justin Coulson Presents

Is your child struggling with setbacks? Do you worry they’re not equipped to handle life’s challenges? “How can I help my child be more resilient?” is a question Dr Justin Coulson, renowned parenting expert, often hears from worried mums and dads.

In Resilience: Developing Strength, Calm & Kindness in Our Kids, Dr Justin will be sharing his groundbreaking approach to building resilience in children. You’ll learn the psychological secrets that build your child’s sense of identity, strengths, and growth mindset in order to perform better, be happier, and build resilience. Discover practical strategies to help your child thrive in the face of adversity and reduce your own parenting stress.

Dr Justin will explain the factors that help and hinder resilience, why common advice such as “toughen up, Princess” just doesn’t work, and how competition and praise may undermine resilience.

Using powerful stories and illustrations that every parent can relate to, this session will show you how to help your child cope positively with the challenges that life throws at them.

John Lambert Auditorium
Date: Thursday 27 March, 2025
Time: 6:00pm
Parking will be available onsite

This is a free event, bookings are now open and are essential. 

WellbeingBack to Top

Social Media and Comparison Culture

SPECIAL REPORT: Social Media & Comparison Culture

"In today's digital age, comparison has become the norm - with constant exposure to curated lives and unrealistic standards, it's no wonder so many young people feel they are falling short."

Dr Emma Woodward

For more information click on the video below. 


Mrs Jacoline Petersen
Director of Student Counselling

LearningBack to Top

THAC Junior School Writing Competition

Our annual P-6 writing competition has opened again! Please check your emails for the details.

When is it? The writing competition will open from Tuesday March 18. Entries are handed to the class teacher by April 9.


Please include this idea in the story. Students can write about a real event, an imagined event, or use it as a metaphor in their writing e.g. cloudy thoughts, clouded vision. Students are to write a poem or narrative.


  • Entries must be labelled with the student’s first and last names, class and house.
  • Years 3-6 entries must be typed and spellchecked. P-2 may be handwritten or typed on A4 paper. Please save a copy of any typed works.
  • Students must submit their own work.
  • It must be original, and not previously awarded any prizes in other writing competitions.
  • No more than 3 A4 pages.

A winning entry from each grade will receive a mystery book-related prize. They will be published in an online format.  If you have any questions, please direct them to Mrs Alex Saville:  [email protected]  

Mrs Alex Saville
Gifted and Talented Liaison for the Junior School

Year 5 Laptops

Parents and older members of our community will no doubt remember the limited access they had to computers at school. When I was in Year Five (in the 1980s), we had one classroom Apple Mac for the whole class! How times have changed…In Year Five at THAC, each student has access to their own laptop to assist in learning. We use our laptops regularly to improve our typing skills, reading comprehension and maths skills. The internet helps us to create amazing posters and videos and allows us to research any topic in seconds. Our Year 5 NAPLAN tests next week will also be fully online, allowing for easy access, organisation and marking. Amazing!

With this increased online activity there is a need to teach our students how to be responsible and safe. Already this term each class has devised a class agreement to be “Safe, Savvy and Social” on our devices. “Manners Matter” sessions have also focused on internet etiquette and how much online time is healthy. This week we had a visit from a police officer, Constable Briggs, who shared some important information about safety and appropriate behaviour on social media.

Technology is such a powerful educational tool. We are committed to continuing to help our students learn how to use the internet in ways that will assist their lifelong learning, work and leisure.

Mr Peter Butchatsky
Year 5 Team Leader

Creative Arts in Junior School

Excitement is building and rehearsals are underway for our biannual Creative Arts Nights. First up in early Term Two is the K-2 Performances - The Toy Box!  Keep an eye out for emails and flyers with more detail. For some students, this will be their first time on a stage.  Class items are being practiced, costumes tried on as well as lines learnt for the lead rolls.  It's never too early to learn stage etiquette as well!


We look forward to cheering on each K-2 student as they have a chance to shine in the spotlight.  I will leave you with a question. What was your favorite toy growing up?  I wonder if it will be found in our toy box. 

Mrs Winsome Hollis
Junior School Specialist Teacher - CAPA
K - 12 Writing Competition List

There are many wonderful writing competitions running in Australia. We have compiled a list of the ones valid in NSW of which we are aware. If your child has a talent or passion for writing, they may want to enter some (or all!) of the competitions showcased on the link below.

Please note, every competition has specific terms and conditions. Make sure the guidelines are followed closely to be eligible to enter. These conditions could include age of child, length of submission or even things like size, font and spacing of the text.

The competitions are run outside of Thomas Hassall Anglican College, but we would love to hear from students giving it a go and any success stories. You could let Junior School know via [email protected] or Senior School via [email protected]

Junior School Sports Update

CIS Tennis Trials

On Monday 24 February, Coby O and Jackson L competed at the NSW CIS Primary Tennis Trials at The Kings School. 


Representing CASA, the boys played against other boys from NSW Independent Schools, to earn a place in the 5 player NSW CIS team.  Although unsuccessful on this occasion, the boys played well and gained valuable experience. 

Well done boys, we are very proud of you.


WK 7 Tuesday 11 March  Years 3 - 6 Cross Country
WK 9 Wednesday 26 March NSW CIS Primary Swimming Carnival
WK 10  Monday 31 March  Years 5 & 6 CIS Boys and Girls Hockey Trials **
Thursday 3 April  Years 5 & 6 CASA Boys and Girls Touch Football Gala Day
Monday 8 April  Years 5 & 6 CIS BOYS AFL Trials **
** Please contact Mrs Evans if you are interested in trialling at the NSW CIS Hockey and Boys AFL trials

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sport Coordinator

CASA Junior Swimming Carnival

The CASA Junior Swimming Carnival was held at Sydney International Aquatic Centre in Homebush on Monday 24 February.  

Our Junior School swim team had 30 students represent the College at the annual CASA Junior Swimming Carnival.  It was great to see our Thomas Hassall swimmers getting in and doing their best, proudly representing the College. There were some amazing individual performances and many achieved personal best times.


Congratulations to the students who will represent the College and CASA at the NSW Combined Independent Schools Swimming Carnival at the end of the month.

Coby O 11 years 50m Freestyle, 50m Breaststroke, 50m Butterfly
Ella K 11 years 50m Backstroke
Alexis D 8 years 50m Freestyle

Well done to all Thomas Hassall swimmers !!

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

Co-curricularBack to Top

The Power of Lunchtime Clubs

Lunchtime at our school is more than just a chance to refuel—it’s an opportunity to explore passions, develop new skills, and connect with like-minded peers. Our incredible range of lunchtime clubs in both the Junior and Senior Schools allows students to find their niche, engage in meaningful activities, and make the most of their school experience.

Senior School Lunchtime Clubs

The Senior School boasts an impressive selection of clubs catering to a variety of interests. Whether you’re a strategic thinker, an aspiring musician, a lover of literature, or someone who enjoys creative expression, there is something for everyone.

  • Chess Club – Sharpen your strategic skills and engage in friendly competition.
  • Knitting and Crochet – Get creative with yarn and unwind with a relaxing craft.
  • HICES Debating – Develop critical thinking and public speaking skills in a competitive setting.
  • Sons of Tonality – Sing in harmony with a dedicated group of male vocalists.
  • Guitar Ensemble – Rock out to your favourite tunes with like-minded musicians.
  • Anime & Manga Club – Celebrate Japanese pop culture with fellow fans.
  • Page-turners Book Club – Discover new books and share your love of reading.
  • Chapel Band – Use your musical talents to enhance worship services.
  • Abide (Christian Group) – Explore faith and enjoy fellowship with peers.

Details about each of these groups have been emailed to students and are available outside the Senior HUB. 

Junior School Lunchtime Clubs

The Junior School also offers a wonderful array of activities that encourage teamwork, creativity, and personal growth. Students can participate in music, games, gardening, and more during their break times.

  • Junior JAM (Year 3) (Thursday Break 1) – A fun and interactive Christian group where students can learn about Jesus.
  • Social Group (Friday Break 1) – Build friendships and teamwork through interactive play.
  • Chill Zone (Everyday Break 2, B Block, Stage 2 and 3) – A relaxed space for students who prefer indoor games and quiet activities.
  • Chess Club (Tuesday Break 2, Library) – Challenge your mind with strategic chess matches.
  • Gardening (Friday Break 2, TBC) – Get your hands dirty and cultivate a green thumb.
  • JAM (Years 4-6) (Thursday Break 2) – A Christian group focused on faith, fellowship, and fun, where students can explore their relationship with Jesus in a welcoming environment.
  • Chapel Band (Tuesday Break 2) – Learn to play worship music together to help lead fellow students in singing during assemblies. 
  • Year 2 Choir (Friday Break 2) – Sing together and develop vocal skills in a fun environment. 
  • Junior Drum Circle (Tuesday Break 2) – Experience the excitement of percussion in a fun group setting.
  • Stage 1 Social Group (Tuesday Break 2) – A space for younger students to build friendships and teamwork through interactive play.
  • Stage 1 Chill Zone (Everyday, S Block) – A daily opportunity for quiet play and relaxation.

Help Shape the Future of Co-Curricular Activities!

This week, a co-curricular survey was sent to students, offering them a chance to have their voices heard. We encourage all students to take a few moments to complete it, as their feedback will help our co-curricular captains plan new and exciting opportunities for 2025 and beyond. Your input is invaluable in ensuring that our school continues to provide engaging and fulfilling lunchtime activities for all.

Mr Luke Robinson
Director of Co-curricular

Introducing JUMP

Introducing Jump Basketball to the THAC Community

The Jump team is thrilled to partner with THAC! You might be wondering, "Who is Jump?" We're your neighbors! We've been part of this community since 2021.

We offer:

  • Skills development classes
  • Competition preparation
  • Multiple competitions & team training
  • Our own Social League - U10s,U12s,u14s,u16s & All age coming soon
  • Annual 3on3 event
  • Representation at local & Interstate competitions
  • Providing pathways

Our mission: Develop players, teach competition,how to make good decisions and foster teamwork, leaving no one behind.

We're excited to bring our passion for basketball to THAC! 

The Jump Difference

More Than Just a Game. We're in the people business, using basketball to build positive experiences.

We provide: A safe, welcoming environment for all skill levels. Accessible, involved management – we work *for* our members. A true sense of belonging – everyone's part of the Jump family.

Our promise: Inclusion, fun, learning, and development for every player. Guided coaching by trained professionals. Adding value through social interaction, skill development, confidence building,striving for greatness.


Core Values

Treat everyone with kindness & consideration, listening to others &valuing their opinions & our combined unique differences

Being honest & truthful in all your actions, playing fair & following the rules

Working together as a team to achieve a common goal, support your teammates & communicate effectively

Show gratitude for opportunities & experiences. Recognize the efforts & contributions of others

CommunityBack to Top

Prep Parent Meet Up

This morning, we hosted our first parent meet-up for the year, starting with Prep. The event provided an opportunity for parents to connect with one another, meet staff, and ask any questions to help ease into the schooling journey.


Thank you to all the families who joined us this morning for coffee and breakfast. Next Friday, we will welcome our Kindergarten parents to their meet-up in the MRK. We hope to see many of you there!

New Families Morning Tea

Last Friday morning, we had the pleasure of welcoming families who have recently joined our College community, with students starting in Years 1-6 and 8-12. The event provided a great opportunity for parents to meet key staff members, learn more about College life and connect with our Parent Community Network.

new fam

Families enjoyed a relaxed morning over coffee and breakfast while getting to know other parents who are also new to the school. We appreciate everyone who attended and look forward to seeing these families become an active part of our school community.

The Way we connect

The Way We Connect – Keeping Our Community Informed

Since launching this initiative in our last edition, we've already received some fantastic questions and suggestions. Some parents have been contacted directly, while others will find answers in this newsletter. For those with broader topics, the upcoming College Insight Session will provide further clarity.

If you have a question or suggestion, you can submit it using the form below. This will be a regular feature in our newsletter, helping to keep our community informed.

Please note that while not every submission will receive a direct reply, we will ensure recurring topics are addressed in a way that benefits everyone.

Got a question? Submit it via the button below—your input helps shape what we share!

Nathan Hagarty's World Art Day Competition

Nathan Hagarty's Leppington World Art Day Competition is calling all artist from Leppington!

If you live or go to school in the Leppington electorate, enter My World Art Day competition for a chance to win a $100 gift card. 

Under 18's category and Over 18's category. 

Nathan Hagart MP will choose one artwork from each category to be displayed his Parliament office & Electorate office.

HOW TO ENTER: Drop off your artwork to the Electorate office. 

ENTRIES CLOSE: Wednesday 9 April 2025 at 5PM.