Term 1 I Monday 9 March 2020

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From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

I know that it is at the forefront of our thinking at the College and, I’m sure, increasingly for all families.

Today Monday 9 March we brought all students together to introduce a more measured approach to good hygiene at the College.  We expect that teachers and students will be better trained and practiced as the week progresses.  Essentially it is about much greater hand washing and antiseptic cleaning of common surfaces; about taking personal responsibility for good hygiene; staying home if feeling unwell and looking out for others rather than hugging and touching.  Of course, as this virus continues to spread, the College will bring a higher level of communication and awareness to bear.

Please keep up to date with the latest information from the NSW Department for Health.  The College needs to know from you if there has been any contact with Coronavirus from your networks and email if there is a more important message to bring.

In other news on Thursday 20 February 2020 the College community held the 20th Year Thanksgiving Service.  The service was attended by students, staff - past and present, College Council and Bishop Ray Smith who had laid the original stone on 8 August 1999; the Foundation Principal, Dr Bryan Cowling and the Foundation College Chairman, Dr Geoff Huard.  We were also joined by representatives of Local Council, State and Federal Government and the service was officiated by Bishop Peter Lin of the Georges River Region.  It was a very special occasion thanking God for His goodness as well as celebrating the progress and achievements over the past 20 years and an important opportunity to look forward to future opportunities in the south west of Sydney and beyond. All staff and students received a special commemoration pin to mark the occasion and you will see them being worn throughout the year.  

Last Friday we held the College Open Day which was a great success.  Thanks to the team for such an effort to welcome 400 people to the College for tours and a glimpse of daily life.

Our sporting season is at the higher levels of performance and events and we congratulate swimmers and sportsmen and women who are continuing to reach the highest levels in their chosen sport.  Several are presented to you in this edition. 

Thank you again for your continued support of all we do here at the College, especially in this our 20th Anniversary year.

‘Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way.  The Lord be with all of you.’ 2 Thessalonians 3:16

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal
Sandy Wheeler

Our Mission ‘Growing and Nurturing Excellence in Learning, Wisdom and Service’ is cultivated within a range of exciting learning experiences at Thomas Hassall. Camps are one of the most exciting and highly anticipated events for our students. They provide a set of unique learning opportunities for teachers and children to engage in that enrich their learning journey.

Last week on Year 5 camp the students grew their understanding of being ‘Passionate and Purposeful’ learners.  They engaged with deeper understanding of indigenous approaches in connection to land on the preserved grounds at Wedderburn Campsite. Many opportunities to be resilient were provided. Teachers and students alike courageously persisted through various challenges as they engaged in activities such as archery, BMX riding and fun team building tasks.

We are excited for Year 6 as they embark on their camp to Canberra this week. May they have their own wonderful learning journey together and grow in their learning, wisdom and service as they explore our beautiful country’s capital city.


Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the Assistant Chaplain

As a dad of two young girls under the age of 2 I have never been so exhausted. The endless amount of washing, changing dirty nappies, cleaning, cooking, let alone all the tantrums that a 2-year-old would throw; yet I would not swap it for the world.

From the moment I found out that my wife and I were expecting our first child I was filled was so much love. Holding my girls in my arms for the first time brought tears to my eyes. I love my girls, not because they have done anything special for me, I love them because they are mine.

Having kids of my own has helped me gain a greater insight of God’s love for us. The Bible is very clear that God loves everyone. In Romans it goes on to describe God as our loving Father.

14 For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. 15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” 16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.  Romans 8:14-16

In this passage Paul, the author, outlines who we are in Gods eyes. Here he states that our relationship with God is not like a slave to their master, one of fear, rather, our relationship with God is similar to one between a Father and child. Here is a beautiful picture of our amazing and intimate relationship with God. Here we see God as our loving Father.

The phrase “by him we cry, “Abba, Father” is the image of an infant’s first cry to their dad. It is the Hebrew equivalent to our English first sounds ‘Dadda’. What a beautiful image of the intimate relationship we have with our God, a God who we can cry to in utter dependence, and a God who listens.

Just like my love for my girls, God doesn’t love you because you have done anything special, He doesn’t love you because you go to church or help old ladies across the road, He loves you because you are His and there is nothing you can do to stop God loving you.


Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
Term 1 Important Dates
Wed - Fri  11 - 13 March 2020 Year 6 Canberra Camp
Monday 23 March 2020 Senior School Cross Country Carnival
Thursday 26 March 2020 Years P-6 PT Night
Monday 30 March 2020 Years 9 & 11 PT Night
Tuesday 31 March 2020 Years P-6 PT Night
Monday  6 April 2020 Years 8 & 10 PT Night
Tuesday 7 April 2020 Junior School Easter Hat Parade
Thursday 9 April 2020 Last Day of Term 1 


A New Baby Girl

Congratulations to Kent and Ashlee Weir, who welcomed their little girl Daisy Maya on Monday 2 March 2020.

We are thrilled with this news and praise God for the safe arrival of precious little Daisy.  Her 2 big sisters are especially thrilled.  We wish their family many blessings now and always.

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow."


Parent Prayer Meeting

A group meet together once a week in order to pray for our school community.

The prayer meeting will be held every Tuesday from 8.20 - 8.50am in Cafe MRK.

All parents and carers are welcome to attend! For further information please contact Matthew Richards: mrichards@thac.nsw.edu.au

We look forward to seeing you there.

Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain - Junior School

Parent Community Network

The Parent Community Network is supported by the Marketing & Community Relations staff. A termly meeting will be held at the College in order to get to know each other, discuss upcoming activities and plan ahead.

Parents, carers or grandparents of current students join our Parent Community Network with the key objective to work in teams to help foster friendships and support amongst our families. The Parent Community Network aim to: 

  • Welcome new parents to the College 
  • Encourage participation to parents of your Year Group 
  • Support the College with running events such as the Mother’s Day stall and Year 6 Dinner 
  • Give feedback and make suggestions on matters relating to the College 
  • Facilitate social gatherings

 If you are interested in joining the Parent Community Network, please visit our website to fill in an application form: www.thac.nsw.edu.au

 The safety of our students is a priority, so please note that it is a requirement that all volunteers complete the online Working with Children Check and submit their approval number to the College for verification.

Our Term One meeting will be held on Tuesday 17 March from 8.30-9.30am or 5-6pm in Cafe MRK. This will include an induction for the Parent Community Network. Please sign up for the event here.

We look forward to you joining us.

Mrs Sarah Wickman
Marketing and Community Relations Assistant

Cafe MRK Breakfast Welcomes All Parents

Come along to Cafe MRK on Thursday and Friday for a tasty breakfast and coffee.

We are open from 7.30 - 10.30am

College App

Ensure you do not miss out on important information and download the app.

Search for Thomas Hassall Anglican College in the App Store or Google Play Store.


EventsBack to Top

Peter Pan Musical

Our musicals are a wonderful opportunity to showcase the talents of our students at the College and is a great evening out. There are several shows running in May that you can come along to.

Tickets for the sessions will be on sale soon. 


Code Camp Holiday Program

Code Camp is back and will be running 20 - 22 April. There are three camps running based on age groups, with the camp catering from ages 5-13.

From drag and drop coding to JavaScript, children will enjoy getting creative and building their own apps, games or websites. Code Camps mission is to make learning to code a journey your child will want to continue. You can download the flyer for this camp here.

To sign up or to find out more information, visit the website. Code Camp is a registered provider for the Creative Kids Rebate. 

Mrs Carmen Pasapera
Marketing and Community Relations Manager

Motiv8sports Holiday Program

Held only once each year, Super Camp is a sports festival designed just for kids. Way more than a sports dreamland, Super Camp is an energetic mix of sport, music, street culture, art and dance mashed up to create the ultimate atmosphere for kids who love having fun. Campers will be treated to an incredible array of our trademark team sports in an environment full of energy, motiv8tion and unbelievable guidance from our professional team of coaches.

Motiv8sports camps are designed for all abilities and focus on the energy and effort rather than a child’s sporting ability. Children attending Motiv8sports Super Camp learn about sport, teamwork and sportsmanship in an environment fueled by incredible leadership and constant motivation. Operating for over 17-years Motiv8sports campers keep coming back because no one knows how to entertain like Motiv8sports.

All camps are 8:30am – 3:30pm daily non-sleep over events.

To find out more and for bookings, please visit bit.ly/THACmotiv8

Motiv8sports are a Creative Kids approved provider. If you haven’t used your 2020 voucher simply select the Creative Kids ticket option and enter your voucher number to redeem the $100 credit.

5 day School Holiday Camp - 20 - 24 April 2020

Date:   Monday 20 - Friday 24 April 2020

Time:  8.30am - 2.30pm

The College is excited to announce that we are opening the 5 day – School Holiday Football Camp to students at Thomas Hassall Anglican College, their friends and family.

The camp will run in the second week of the holidays, from 20 – 24 April and students from Thomas Hassall can invite their friends along to join in the fun!

Students will be involved in activities that develop skills and promote understanding of the game.  The daily training will be designed to improve the skill level of each individual. 

Our Football Director, Mr Sonny Makko will be leading the program and it is offered to boys and girls in Kindergarten to Year 9.

Places are limited, so get in quick!! Download the flyer here or book online here.

For more details please contact Mrs Evans sevans@thac.nsw.edu.au

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator 


WellbeingBack to Top

Positive Parenting

Research shows that one of the most important protective factors in the lives of young people is a close relationship with a supportive adult. With the mental health of today’s young people being at an all-time low, it is simply not enough to parent effectively. Parents need to familiarise themselves with practical skills, knowledge and strategies when it comes to raising children.

Many parents today are over-protective, resulting in children being less independent, unable to problem-solve or self-regulate. Parents are failing to set clear boundaries, which is, unfortunately, making kids feeling less secure. There is too much pressure on kids today. Parents fill their days with too many activities in an effort to avoid their child’s boredom.

In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will learn what is the best approach for primary and secondary school-aged children.

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to the Positive Parenting edition of SchoolTV

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Junior Assembly Performance

Daniel presented two Grade 3 pieces, The Joker and Budapesto, and performed with great energy.  Daniel has been studying the cello for two years and completed 2 grades with great results so far.

We congratulate Daniel on his first performance on assembly and dedication to practice.

Mr Mark
Director of Ensembles  

Junior School Sport - Term One 2020

Term One IPSSO Draw

Term 1



Game Time


Girls Soccer


Oz Tag & Teeball, Softball




Training - Yr 5 camp









Training - Yr 6 camp









St Mark's

12.10 - 2.00


Hammondville Pk 

Hammondville Pk

Hammondville Pk

St Mark's School



William Carey

12.30 - 2.20



Powell Park






12.00 - 1.50


Gordon Parker Res

Marco Res

Marco Res

GRG school




11.55 - 1.45



Powell Park



Students who are not involved in IPSSO teams will participate in the Year 3 -6 College Sports program. 

All sports are taught by qualified coaches and the sport runs for the entire term.  There is no cost associated with the program as is covered by College fees.

Year 3 Boys  Soccer Year 5 Boys Basketball
Year 3 Girls Swimming Year 5 Girls AFL
Year 4 Boys Dance Year 6 Boys Tennis
Year 4 Girls Cricket Year 6 Girls Joey League

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

2020 Talented Athletes Programs and Development Programs

This year sees more programs added to our morning and afternoon Talented Athlete Program.

In addition to our afternoon Basketball Development programs, this week we commenced a new Years 6 – 12 Advanced Pathway Basketball program, targeting our Basketball representative players. If you are interested in joining the APP Basketball Program please complete the online registration form. We will have another enrollment session at the end of Term One.

In Dance we introduced 3 more Dance classes, including Classical Ballet for students in Kinder – Year 6.

Our Sport Speed program for Year 3 - 12 has expanded into Sport Conditioning, targeting fitness, conditioning, and strength training for our representative students.  Places are still available in this program.

The additional programs complement the existing Football (soccer), Basketball, Dance and Sport Speed programs which were popular last year.

The overall daily schedule is found on the book page.

To find out more information, read the individual brochures below:
Sport Speed
Football Seniors
Football Juniors

How to book:
Enrolment applications must be completed online using the Thomas Hassall website.  The booking link is found on the Events booking page.
If you have any enquiries regarding the programs please email: sevans@thac.nsw.edu.au

Mrs S Evans
P-6 Sport Coordinator
Talented Athletes Program Coordinator

Students shine at the NSW CIS Primary Basketball trials

On Friday 21 February, Ana S (Year 6) and Max V (Year 5) represented the College and NASSA at the New South Wales Combined Independent Schools Primary Basketball trials.

Both Ana and Max played brilliantly in the trials, which saw the best players from across the state vying for a position in the NSW CIS Primary Basketball team.

Congratulations to Max on being selected to represent NSWCIS.  He will compete at the NSW PSSA Primary Boys Basketball Championships in Terrigal in May.

A fantastic effort by both Max and Ana.

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

Junior School Sport - Term One - dates for your diary

Important Sport Dates for 2020 - Term One 

Week 7 -            Monday 9 March - NASSA Junior Boys and Girls Soccer Gala Day (APP Football Senior Boys and Girls)

Week 8 -            Monday 16 March – CIS Primary GIRLS Football Trials (selected at NASSA Gala Day)

Week 9 -            Thursday 26 March – NSW CIS Primary Swimming Carnival - Homebush

Week 10 -          Monday 30 March – Paul Kelly Cup - AFL Gala Day - (Yr 5 & 6 IPSSO AFL team)

Week 10 -          Thursday 2 April – Year 3 - 6 Cross Country

Week 11 -          Wednesday 8 April - CIS Primary BOYS Football Trials (selected at NASSA Gala Day)

Week 11 -          Thursday 9 April - Cops and Kids League Tag Day - (Yr 5 & 6 IPSSO Oz Tag team)


Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator 

Swimmers race at the NASSA Junior carnival

The College Swimming Carnival saw 50m competitors race to secure a spot in the team to represent the College at the NASSA Swimming Carnival on Tuesday 25 February.

The House Point competition was tight at the Junior School Carnival this year, with many swimmers working hard to earn points for their house.  Congratulations to CARMICHAEL house on winning the day.

1st –        Carmichael                            894 points                     2nd –         Liddell                               863 points                       

3rd –        Lewis                                     718 points                    4th –          Wilberforce                        656 points


The NASSA Junior Swimming Carnival was held on Tuesday 25 February at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre. 

As a team, our swimmers performed brilliantly in both individual events and the relays.   Their commitment and dedication saw us place 5th in the overall pointscore.

As a College we were very proud of every swimmer for their effort and achievements.  Thank you to all those who came along and cheered on our swimmers.

Congratulations to the following students who will represent NASSA at the NSW CIS Carnival on Thursday 26 March:

Jessica A

9yr 50m Freestyle

Jonah I

9yr 50m Freestyle

JNR 50m Breaststroke JNR 50m Backstroke JNR 50m Butterfly

Davina I

11yr 50m Freestyle

Alexander A

11yr 50m Backstroke








Sharon Evans                                                     
P-6 Sports Coordinator                                              

CommunityBack to Top

Why not join the Wildfires Basketball Competition?

The winter season will be played at Thomas Hassall Anglican College. The season (including trial weeks) will be 16 weeks in length. Season runs until August. 

The competition will be played on Friday evenings & all day Saturday’s. Generally there will be no games during School holidays. The first 1 to 2 weeks will act as trial games to finalise teams with the competition proper commencing after the trial games. 

Click the link for more details www.hoopsters.com.au