Term 4 I Tuesday 29 October 2019

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Their Graduation formal to be held in a fortnight celebrates their school years and we look forward to their next steps.  As one year concludes its time, students in the new year 12 are already well into their final year programs. Parents, teachers and students came together last week for discussion and prayer for Year 12 at the annual dedication evening. It was a very positive occasion to focus attention on the challenge ahead.

Over 100 Junior School students and a large number of staff attended Jam camp last weekend at the Hacking River Youthworks site next to the Royal National Park.  Lots of fun and learning about key Bible stories across the weekend has been a successful event for a number of years and on your behalf let me thank this group of energetic staff for their efforts.  We were also reminded again of the very positive impact of Mr Hazlewood, who had been a key member of the Jam Camp staff in previous years.  Last week, Mr Hazelwood’s funeral was attended by hundreds of friends and colleagues, with many members of the Thomas Hassall community present.  Our prayers and support continue for Mrs Hazlewood and the children.

The 2020 musical Peter Pan is underway with lots of interest registered by students across the grades, both junior and senior. It will be a significant event in our 20th year early in Term 2. Let me draw your attention to the notices and updates about the musical which will be available in the newsletters between now and term 2 next year.

Thank you for your patience and understanding of the changes required to traffic plans and to the drop-off and pick up of children as a result of the renovation to the Admin building. Progress is occurring quickly and we are looking forward to additional spaces for the sick-bay, offices and interview rooms.  It looks to be completed early in the new year.

At this time of the year, we are engaged in the employment of new staff and preparing for the start of the next College year. In 2020 we will bring an additional Deputy Principal into the executive staff and it is a pleasure to announce that Mr David Butler, our current Director of Operations in the Senior School will be promoted to this additional senior role. Mr Butler joins Mr Young and our new Deputy/Head of Junior School Mrs Sandy Wheeler in leadership at an exciting time for the College.

Thank you for your continued support of the College programs and community.

‘Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience…’  Colossians 3:12

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal
Roger Young

This proverb is straight forward at a surface level, but it has profound implications for our everyday lives. This diamond from scripture implies that all of us are born for a purpose; that purpose is to be lived out in accordance with God’s guidance and counsel. When we do this well, we find peace and joy. This is God’s promise to each one of us. Conversely, when we do not have a God directed vision we can live carelessly, ‘without restraint’ and the outcomes here are less than satisfying.

Every person wants to live full and satisfying lives, however, in our independent ‘me’ focused world these words from Proverbs 29:18 are not so popular. Having our lives restrained and inhibited by rules or religion is not something that is encouraged in our culture. We are constantly told that ‘you can do anything you want’, we are encouraged to be an ‘individual’ and to go out and experience the world and all that it has to offer. Now I don’t want to misrepresent the context where these words are valid, but in general terms when we live without God’s guidance and vision life can get very messy. In more simple terms, when I see people without a vision or goal the outcomes are less than satisfactory. If we do not have a clear purpose or set of goals then we achieve less than our full potential; in short, we live unsatisfied lives.

As we embark on Term 4, we start a new Year 12 Group on their way. Year 12, 2020 have begun their HSC journey and this was acknowledged in a beautiful Dedication Service with students, parents and staff in attendance. This was a very intentional moment. We were dedicating our 2020 group to God and asking Him to come and support us on the journey. Great wisdom was imparted by a variety of people, but the essence of the night was to declare our intention for the students, staff and parents to embark on this HSC journey together under God’s guidance. If this plan or purpose is taken up by each individual and family, under God, it would make an amazing difference in the final outcomes for those involved

Any student that sets out with simple goals and works to achieve these goals, with the appropriate strategies, will achieve more than simply being swept along without any real plan. When we add God into the equation then there is a powerful combination that is released into the situation.

My encouragement to the whole community, as we come to the final examinations, is to have a plan in place and work consistently towards achieving each major objective. If we do this together, we will realise the benefits of being intentional in all we do.

Let’s enjoy this last term of 2019!

Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development
From the Chaplain

If you didn’t realise, take this as the starting pistol going off. In all the busyness you can easily forget the important things; a bit like thoughtfully buying all the family Christmas presents and getting home only to realise your child is still at the shops. It is rather easy to leave Jesus behind, enjoying the goodies of the season but forgetting the ‘reason for the season.’ Over this term, I want to look at one aspect in each edition of The Way; today we start with: Jesus was promised long, long ago. In Luke 1, we read:

“Greetings, you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you.”29 Mary was greatly troubled at hi (the angel’s) words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 30 But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favour with God. 31 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” 34 “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”

Here, we see that God makes what seems an outrageous promise to Mary. She was a teenage girl for whom having a baby was not a possibility at that stage. Yet, God bestowed on her the great privilege of giving birth to Jesus. Quite understandably, she was ‘greatly troubled’, perhaps an understatement! But the angel encouraged her with the reminder that she wasn’t being punished but she had been blessed. Hers was a unique and unrepeatable historical event. God was at work in and through ordinary people to fulfill His purposes and promises. In life, we are often asked to hang on tight and trust God’s goodness.

While Mary was highly favoured by God, her son is the real star. Jesus, Son of God. Mary would give birth to God in the flesh, supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit, without physical union. While we may love the cutesy story of Jesus’ birth, the reality is that God’s promised King was to arrive. The centuries of longing for God to make good on this promise would finally be fulfilled. And unlike any earthly kingdom, such as his forefather King David (David and Goliath fame), this reign would last forever.

At this point, we might pause and consider: what is so good about the promise of Mary’s baby boy? While we think about the gifts we give and receive at Christmas, what is the gift that God brings us in Jesus?

Next time: The Birth of Jesus – Luke 2:1-20


Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
Term 4 Important Dates

Term 4

Friday 1 November Kindergarten Orientation - New Families Only 
Wednesday 6 November Term 4 Class Parents' Meeting
Thursday  7 November Years 1-6 Orientation
Friday 8 November Kindergarten Orientation - New Families Only
Monday 11 November  Mid Term Break (Students Only)
Wednesday 13 November Prep Orientation Morning
Dance Academy Concert Event
Thursday 14 November Prep Orientation Morning
Year 11 Parent Teacher Night
Friday 15 November Kindergarten Orientation - All Families
Wednesday 27 November  Year 6 Dinner
Friday 29 November XThactor & Market Day (Senior School only)
Wednesday 4 December Junior School Celebration Events
Thursday 5 December Senior School Celebration Event
Friday 6 December  Last Day of Term 4 and 2019 College Year
College App

In Term four all communication with College Families will be through the College app.  There will no longer be emails and pamphlets sent home for upcoming events and notices.

Ensure you do not miss out on important information and download the app.

Search for Thomas Hassall Anglican College in the App Store or Google Play Store.


Administration Centre Update

The main section of the building has been completely stripped out and ready for the installation of new windows and doors by the end of this month. The focus at present is the northern wing’s office extension and the rear outdoor area with disabled ramps and retaining walls. All going well, we can expect to see the roof trusses go up towards the end of November.

A special thank you to VDK Furniture and Ryan’s Property Services for constructing the temporary Admin in E Block, using the old front reception joinery and to our Grounds/ Maintenance staff who assisted with the move next door.

Just a reminder that the administration team has temporarily relocated to E Block. Please visit our website for an updated College map

Mr Warren Murray
College Manager

Toys 'n' Tucker

Toys ‘n’ Tucker provides a way for us all to come together to share the joy of Christmas with people in need!

This year we will again be supporting Toys 'n' Tucker - an Anglicare initiative. 

We will bring more details soon with where to bring your items etc.




Wedding Bells

Congratulations to Annabelle Sheahan who was married in the holidays to David.   

We also congratulate Samuel Wee who married Julia. 

We wish them well as they begin their lives together and pray that God will richly bless them for many years to come.

LearningBack to Top

Year 10 Visual Arts

They took great care with their work and followed a technique whereby they painted a tonal version of their image (in either blue or dark brown), then mixing subtle colours and painting them over the top, while still retaining the strong structure created by the tonal underpainting.

These self-portraits demonstrate a strong likeness to the artists and expert handling of colour and paint application.

Year 10 Visual Arts students should be proud of their excellent achievement in portrait painting.

Mrs Cheryl O'Mara
Senior School Teacher-Creative Arts

News from the Senior IRC

‘The Cradle of All Worlds: The Jane Doe Chronicles’ – Jeremy Lachlan

Genre: Fantasy, Themes: Voyages and travels, Adventure, Missing people.

“When a fierce quake strikes the remote island of Bluehaven and her father disappears, Jane Doe is thrown headfirst into an epic quest to bring him home. But this is no ordinary rescue mission, Jane’s father is lost in a dangerous labyrinth between the worlds, and she isn’t the only one desperate to find him. A great evil has invaded this sacred realm: a man with an army and a nefarious plan of his own…Step inside. Don’t look back. Forward is the only way.” 
‘The Cradle of All Worlds’ is a wonderfully imaginative and action packed debut novel. Author Jeremy Lachlan has created a strange and magical fantasy world filled with a wide range of unique characters and monsters. With elements of Narnia, Indiana Jones and the Maze Runner series, this is an engaging book that will be impossible for any fantasy fan to put down.

‘Scared to Death’ – Anthony Horowitz

Genre: Horror, Themes: Fear, Snakes, Robots.
“This terrifically twisted and wickedly funny collection of spine-tingling short stories is only recommended for the most fearless of readers. From man-eating massage chairs, to terrifying train rides with the living dead or sinister sat navs that direct you to doom, these ten gruesome tales by master storyteller Anthony Horowitz are guaranteed to make your blood curdle and your spine tingle.”
‘Scared to Death’ is a great collection of suspenseful, gory and chilling horror short stories that is bound to be loved by all students who enjoy a good scare. Each story is unique, featuring wonderful atmospheres, spooky characters and horrifying endings. This would a great book for readers who enjoyed the ‘Goosebumps’ series but now want to read something a bit older. 

‘The Secret Runners of New York’ – Matthew Reilly

Genre: Mystery and Suspense, Themes: Time travel, Family, End of the World.
‘The windows on all the skyscrapers are smashed . . . No power, no lights, no people . . .'
“When Skye Rodgers and her twin brother Red move to Manhattan, rumours of a coming global apocalypse are building. But this doesn't stop the young elite from partying without a care. Then Skye joins an exclusive gang known as the Secret Runners of New Yok. But this is no ordinary clique. They have access to an underground portal that can transport them into the future. And what Skye discovers there is horrifying.”

‘The Secret Runners of New York’ is the latest novel from popular Australian author Matthew Reilly, well known for his Scarecrow and Jack West Jr novels. Filled with fast paced action and suspense, a great cast of teenage survivors, and an inventive time travel plot, this a wonderful adventure novel that will be enjoyed by all. With many plot twists, this book is one readers will not want to stop reading till the very last page.   

Year 12 Library Loans
Year 12 students will need to return all of their Library loans before they sign out of the College after the HSC exams. Students who have lost books will be invoiced for a replacement copy. Any students who require a list of their loans need to speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith.

Stocktake 2019
This year’s Library stocktake will be starting on Monday 11 November.  During this time the Library will be closed. The last day students can borrow will be Monday 4th November. All students will need to have returned all of their Library loans no later than Friday 8th November. Any students who require a list of their loans need to speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith.

Overdue notices
Overdue notices will be sent out next week.  If any students require a printed list of their loans please speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith. Students who do not return their books after receiving their third notice as well as an email will be invoiced for a replacement copy. 
Please remember that all invoices will still stand if books are returned after this final date.

If you have any problems or questions regarding overdue books please speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith who will be happy to help.

Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith
Senior IRC Library Team

Disability Provisions for the HSC

To ensure that we create a level playing field for all of our students in the Higher School Certificate Examination, Disability Provisions are available to a small number of students in Year 12 with documented medical or learning difficulties. Disability Provisions may include the use of readers or writers, rest breaks and many other provisions depending on a diagnosis from health care professionals.

NESA requires detailed evidence before provisions are granted for certain conditions. This evidence needs to be dated not earlier than Term 4 this year. If you believe that your son or daughter may be eligible, please contact the College or myself for details of NESA requirements.

Disability Provisions may be available, even though your student has not accessed provisions before. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding Disability Provisions.

Mrs Julie Smythe
Learning Support Co-ordinator - Senior School

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Intermediate Stage Band Rehearsals

With a full brass section of 4 trumpets and 3 trombones, full saxophone section of 5 saxophones, combined with a great rhythm section – this band is playing some great music and sounding fantastic! They are preparing for the finale act at this years Junior Celebration event and are also looking forward to having some guest vocalists and dancers working with them too.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Senior Stage Band

The sun was shining, and our students performed very well on the ‘Stars of the Future’ stage. This is the 5th year in a row our band has been selected to perform at this festival, which is an honour considering the many schools that audition for this around the State. It has been a great year for our Senior Stage Band, having also performed and participated in the Generations in Jazz Festival with James Morrison in Mt Gambier, and recording their first live film clip, soon to be released at our upcoming ‘Ensembles Evening’ on 21 November. Well done!

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

Academy of Dance, set to dazzle!

The concert will commence at 6.30pm and we welcome all friends and family to come along and enjoy the night.

Tickets can be purchased online click here or at the door.  

Exciting News!!

CONGRATULATIONS to one of our Academy of Dance students Lourdes A, who recently competed at the Australasian Dance Association Championships.

Lourdes competed in Grade 3 Jazz and won her division, progressing through to the finals against the winners of each jazz grade.

At the end of the 4 day competition, Lourdes was awarded the 2019 Junior Jazz Scholarship for the Australasian Dance Association.

Well done Lourdes!

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sport Coordinator and TAP Coordinator


2020 Secondary School Football Programs

Trials for the 2020 Secondary School Football Programs were held during the last week of Term Three.

In the Senior school, the College offers programs for:

- Year 7 and 8 Boys

- Years 9 - 12 Boys

- Open Girls 

Congratulations to all students selected in the squads.  

Training for the 2020 program commenced in Week One of this term and will continue into Terms One, Two and Three, 2020.

A 2020 enrolment will take place early in Term One for any student who was unable to trial last term.

To apply Click Here and for more information, view the brochure

For further information on the 2020 Secondary Football programs, please email: [email protected]


Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator