Term 2 I Friday 18 June 2021

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

Students have been engaged in several major events at the College in the last few weeks

It has been a delight to enjoy the Junior School Creative Arts performances of Kindergarten, Year 1 & 2; to marvel at the Senior School Made for Stage Creative Arts production, including our special guest MC and performer Rebecca Selley, and to delight in the the MISA Dance Festival at the Campbelltown Cube last Tuesday. Our Creative Artists and backstage crews are very talented. Thank you to parents and friends who came along despite the cold weather to enjoy such fabulous creative arts.  We look forward to additional performances next term. While the 2020 College Musical had to be cancelled last year, we are making progress on the next Musical, set for early May 2022.

College sporting teams and talented individuals have been very active in the last few weeks. It was a pleasure to interview young Isaiah Wanna from Year 4 representing and highlighting all our students.  Isaiah placed first in the Combined Independent Schools Cross Country Carnival last Friday. Competing against the best across the State, Isaiah achieved the highest award of first place. He has a distinct understanding of how to run to win. Here's a small preview from the interview. You can catch his interview on THAC TV.

Representative teams have played in elite football competitions and Futsal competitions with success, and our NASSA Athletics team competed with success a fortnight ago at the Campbelltown Athletics Centre.  Congratulations to all our sportsmen and women as well as their teachers and coaches. 

We have made the decision to postpone the South West Festival again this year, and have looked at the opportunity of a revised date for the festival in 2022. More news will follow from our Community Relations team. The COVID issues seem to continue unfortunately, and we do well to keep watch around healthy practice.  Let me give every encouragement to have a vaccination as soon as possible. 

Let me bring special staff news to our community of the retirement this week of two long-standing staff members. AnnMarie Stanton has worked in the Junior School Library since 2001, and her two children were educated here. Farewell also to Sally Wonham who began at the College in 2006 and has worked to support staff in the Senior School Admin team.  Congratulations and thank you to AnnMarie and Sally, and on your behalf, let me wish them well for the next phase.   

Thank you so much for your support during the term. College teaching staff will undertake professional development next week. The College Office will be then be closed in the week of Monday 28th June to 2nd July. Term 3 commences Monday 12 July 2021 when all students will be back for classes. Please enjoy the winter break.

May the Lord bless and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning
David Butler

Our graduate aim this term has been ‘Passionate and Purposeful Learner’.

I spoke with Senior School students in morning musters this week about a few people that came to mind on these topics. Malcolm Gladwell is attributed with coming up with the 10,000 hour theory which says that anyone can become an expert if they simply devote 10,000 hours towards the skill they are trying to master. Mr Whelan, in response to a comment I made about his golf swing, broke down what 10,000 hours looks like to the group. If he spent 2 hours every weekday for 50 weeks of the year, then he has banked 500 hours, so if he does that for 20 years, then he should be an expert! Or if he spent 4 hours a day, then it would only take 10 years. For musicians or athletes or teachers or electricians, we thought that sounded pretty reasonable. What do you think?

I wondered aloud with the students whether it really is that simple. Is being passionate and purposeful also necessary to be partnered with 10,000 hours of practice?

Who do you think of when you hear the word passionate? I mentioned Wildlife Warrior Steve Irwin, who many of the students remembered from their childhood. Steve was a clear example of how being passionate and purposeful inspires a response in others and can change the world. I also spoke of some students I had taught at my previous school, who were extremely passionate about their music. They would spend countless hours on weeknights and weekends putting together songs and music videos. One of them in particular, a young man named Michael, was determined that this was what he wanted to do with his life. His passion was contagious and the group went on to achieve international renown. Maybe you have heard of the boys from 5 Seconds of Summer?

My point to our young people was to find their passion and pursue it with purpose. You have, no doubt, had countless discussions with your children about this area also. The College is committed to opening up the Graduate Aims regularly with students through classroom activities, assemblies, chapels, camps, excursions and sporting activities. The Graduate Aims are a list of attributes that we would like all students at Thomas Hassall to embody. Do you think we have the right attributes on the list? Would a student be ready to take on the world and navigate their life post-school if these 12 areas made up their character? I will list them below and if you have any feedback or opinions about them, I would love to hear from you. [email protected]

graduate aims


Mr David Butler
Deputy Principal - Senior School Learning
From the Deputy Principal - Head of Junior School
Luke Sale

As we prepare for a well-deserved long weekend we reflect on this week’s events in the Junior School.

Last Tuesday, we had the Kindergarten students perform their musical event 'Nursery Rhymes'. This was then followed by Stage 1 and a musical about Noah's Ark and Joseph and his Multicolour Coat, entitled 'Bible Stories' on Thursday. Both sets of students should be extremely proud of their efforts and obvious hard work producing a work of such quality. 

Junior School Musical

We have received such great feedback from these performances. If you would like to view any of these performances, please go to www.tv.thac.online and enter the password 'hassalltv'. 

As we move towards the holidays, we also think of having some time off and I wanted to thank all families for your support and encouragement of Thomas Hassall Anglican College students and staff. We have made an excellent start to this year and we hope that we continue to build upon the successes so far.  

Mr Luke Sale
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School
From the Assistant Chaplain

We live in a world that always requires proof.

For example, if I was to tell you that I am one of the best soccer players in this country, you would want to see me in action to see if what I claim is actually true. (Just so you know, I am actually an awful soccer player, you don’t need too much evidence of that).

This term in Junior School Chapel we have been looking at the book of Mark. The book of Mark starts with an amazing story of Jesus' Baptism.

‘At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” (Mark 1:9-11)

Imagine being a person in the crowd that day. Imagine seeing the sky opening up, a light shining down on a man, and a booming voice from heaven coming down claiming this man to be His Son. The book of Mark is full of stories like this. Through many miracles, Jesus constantly proves that he is the Son of God and the crowds are always mind blown.

I would encourage you to have a read of the book of Mark afresh and investigate the claims of Jesus. Read it slow and ask yourself ‘what would it have been like if I was there with Jesus and saw this in person?’. Hopefully, you can see that Jesus was no ordinary man but that he was in fact the Son of God.

God Bless

Mr Matthew Richards
Assistant Chaplain
From the Director of Junior School Teaching & Learning

Writing student reports at the end of each semester affords every teacher the opportunity to reflect on their instructional practice.

By looking carefully at each student’s progress over the time period being considered, we are able to celebrate along with our students and to set goals for our teaching.

You will all be receiving your Junior School children’s academic report today. It will detail their strengths as a learner, and will suggest some ways for each of them to make some improvements. The reports are written to reflect not only on the assessments completed, but on the ways each student has grown as a member of the learning community.

Each Key Learning Area is divided into outcomes, and each year group from Kindergarten to Year 6 is in a specific stage of learning:

Kindergarten – Early Stage 1

Years 1 and 2 – Stage 1

Years 3 and 4 – Stage 2

Years 5 and 6 – Stage 3

Students receive an A-E grade for each outcome in the subjects being studied. As the outcomes are written in stages, it becomes a little harder for the students when they enter a new stage. Therefore, you may find that your child does not necessarily receive the same A-E grade they achieved at the end of the previous year, especially if they are in Years 1, 3 or 5.

Early next term, we will be holding Parent Teacher interviews, and this is the best opportunity to talk to your child’s classroom teacher to hear about the learning in the room, and your child’s engagement in that learning.

We look forward to these meetings as we continue the partnership with you this year.

Ms Lisa Hansford
Director of Teaching and Learning

College Uniform Shop

The College Uniform Shop will close for the school holidays on Friday 18 June and will re-open on Wednesday 7 July.

Term Break Trading Hours
Wednesday 7 July 10am – 6pm
Friday 9 July 8am – 4pm

The store will resume normal trading hours on Monday 12 July. 

Normal Trading Hours  
Monday & Friday 7am – 3pm
Wednesday 12pm – 6pm

All online orders will be processed on our return.

EventsBack to Top

MADE for Stage

On Wednesday night we hosted MADE for Stage at the College. 

It was a fantastic night to showcase the works of our Senior School students. From 6-7pm guests were able to enjoy the art display in the MRK, which featured many different styles of art. This was followed by a concert featuring live music, dancing and drama. Every student who performed should be very proud, it was such an entertaining night and a great way to showcase the mixed talent of students. We were very fortunate to have the night hosted by Rebecca Selley, who also performed a solo and with our students.

Thank you to all the students and staff for their time and effort in making the night happen.

A recording is available to purchase on our website www.thac.nsw.edu.au/book

LearningBack to Top

Senior Library Book Snap

Blind date with a book

Congratulations to Nimisha S (Year 9) for winning the first ‘Blind date with a book’ prize draw! She has won a brand new book of her choice. The second prize draw will be held lunchtime Friday 16th July. (Term 3 Week 1) Remember the more ‘blind book dates’ you go on, the more chances you have to win a great prize!

For more information please see Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith.

Page Turners Book Club

Love Books? Love Reading? Love Food? Join the Page Turners, an exciting new book club for students in Years 7 to 9. Numbers are strictly limited. Sign up today to ensure your spot. Meetings will be held Monday lunchtime every three weeks. For more information please speak to Mr Smith.

What’s new on the Shelf?

Blast off into an incredible adventure with this new Sci-Fi series.

‘Skyward’ – Brandon Sanderson

“Spensa's world has been under attack for hundreds of years. An alien race called the Krell leads onslaught after onslaught from the sky in a never-ending campaign to destroy humankind. Humanity's only defense is to take to their ships and fight the enemy in the skies. Pilots have become the heroes of what's left of the human race. Spensa has always dreamed of being one of them; of soaring above Earth and proving her bravery. But her fate is intertwined with her father's - a pilot who was killed years ago when he abruptly deserted his team, placing Spensa's chances of attending flight school somewhere between slim and none. No one will let Spensa forget what her father did, but she is still determined to fly. And the Krell just made that a possibility. They've doubled their fleet, making Spensa's world twice as dangerous . . . but their desperation to survive might just take her skyward . . .”

‘Skyward’ is the first novel in a fantastic new series by acclaimed author Brandon Sanderson. Filled with exciting space battles, terrible aliens, strange artificial Intelligence’s and a wonderfully unique futuristic society, this is a story that will hook readers from the very first page. Main protagonist Spensa is a compelling and complex character. Haunted by her father’s betrayal of their people, she constantly strives to prove herself loyal and steadfast. Readers will find themselves cheering her on as she battles to overcome the many obstacles that are placed in her way, obstacles trying to stop her from achieving her dream of becoming a fighter pilot.  The novels supporting characters are also well developed and believable, providing further depth to this wonderful world.  With an exciting plot filled with lots of intense moments of action and suspense, this is a great sci-fi novel that all readers will not want to miss.

Lots more exciting new novels have arrived in the Library, make sure to check out the ‘New Book’ stand for all the latest releases.

Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith
Senior IRC Library Team

Junior School Coding Day

Last week, all classes from Kindy to Year 6 participated in a grade-based Coding Day.

The different activities helped to give students an understanding of coding and develop their computational thinking skills.

Students worked in pairs or small groups and experimented with different types of code. They created coding sequences to control robots, move objects on a computer screen and solve different problems. Students learned to persist and work through challenges, especially if their first coding attempt wasn’t successful.

Some highlights were the Spheros, Makey Makeys, ‘coding’ our friends through a maze and the Code-a-pillars.

Some student reflections of Coding Day:

“We did pirate maps, Code-a-pillars and Scratch Jnr on the iPad.” – Ezekiel, Kindy

“My favourite was the Scratch because my brother does it in Year 4.” – Clara, Kindy

“It was a good day. We did Scratch, Spheros and Makey Makeys.” – James, Year 3

“I liked Spheros and rolling them around. It was fun.” – Simon, Year 3

“Coding Day was great! I liked Grok and the puzzle activities.” – Annalise, Year 5

“The python code was difficult, but fun.” – Isaac, Year 5

“I liked using my brain in cool ways for puzzles, Scratch and Spheros.” – Isaiah, Year 6

Miss Claire Donaldson
Junior School Teacher 

Year 10 Drama Shine at Parramatta Riverside Theatre

Year 10 Drama had the opportunity to perform original pieces of theatre they developed in Term 1 at the Parramatta Riverside Theatre in the ‘Short + Sharp’ scriptwriting competition. 

They were mentored throughout the day by a theatre industry expert before competing against other schools in the evening, judged by a panel of professional theatre makers.

The three plays entered were: 

‘Bullying 101 for Dummies’ – Sofia J, Ashleigh K, Tiana C and Micaelah O. 
‘Pressures of Society’ – Analiyah T, Ally D, Victoria T, Alana P
‘A Nice and Brief Lesson in all Things Evil’ – Charlotte S, Marc T, Alessio S, Hayden H

Tiana C – ‘It was a great experience and we built a strong bond with each other.’

Charlotte S – ‘The energy my group created when we came off stage was amazing, we were so excited and we were just in a massive group hug screaming that we all loved each other and how awesome we did - it was really something special.’

Analiyah T – ‘It was great to have an amazing opportunity to perform as an actor in a real theatre’.

Year 10 Drama

Miss Julianne Chavura
Senior School Teacher - Drama 

Years 1 & 2 Creative Arts

Last Thursday night we had our Creative Arts performance and it was fun and amazing.

2C were first and we had to wait but we got to play games.

I was a little nervous but still had fun. I felt happy that the parents liked it and found it funny. I felt proud after I did my performance. 2C and 2W were doing a dance like we did.

My favourite bit was when we did the Egyptian dance. I also liked the Year One performance. My favourite song was the two by two song. I was so excited that I thought we were late. On our way there I saw Rocky and walked with him.

My parents were so proud that we got to go to McDonalds. I was so tired that I nearly fell asleep in the car.

By George F 2B

Years 5 and 6 Camps

It has been a busy week for students in Years 5 and 6 with camps taking place.

Students in Year 5 went to Wedderburn Christian Campsite. Through a range of activities, students were encouraged to enhance teamwork, encourage self-worth and inspire analytical thinking. Some of the activities students participated in is archery, the flying fox, Adventure walks, movie nights and lots of other great opportunities. 

Our Year 6 students enjoyed a trip to Canberra and learning about Parliament House. Some of the attractions they visited were the Australian War Memorial, Questacon, a tour of Parliament House and the Australian Institute of Sport. 

It was a great opportunity to further enhance their learning and also help strengthen relationships with their peers through teamwork.


Opera House Concert

Recently our Junior Concert Band had the privilege of venturing into Sydney to attend a special concert at the Sydney Opera House.

They watched a performance called “INFUSION”;  a concert that showcased music and dance from many different cultures, including India, Ghana, Senegal, Jamaica, Spain, Ireland and Australia. The ensemble was made up of a group of professional musicians that come from many of these countries, and also included Mr Mark as one of the members. The students were able to learn about many different instruments from around the world, and the great combination of sounds that can be made and how these cultures combine to create a unique performance.

They also had the opportunity to participate in a Q & A with the artists at the end of the show. It was the first time many of these students had visited the Opera House, and as you can imagine, it was very exciting for all.

We look forward to seeing some of our students on the Opera House stage one day!

Mr Luke Robinson
Productions & Creative and Performing Arts Coordinator

Performing ArtsBack to Top

The Groove & THAC FM

Our live lunchtime entertainment was back last week with live performances and record spinning from our Year 12 MC’s.
This is always a fun session, with a selection of our senior students performing for their peers as they enjoy lunch and sunshine. This time, both of our Contemporary Bands performed 2 songs each. The intermediate group performed 'Rosana' and 'Don't Start Now'.  The Seniors performed Hold the Line and On my Mind. The Year 12 hosts were Angus M. and Joey M, and these boys are always entertaining updating students with College community news and music trivia. Well done to these students, and we look forward to more GROOVE & THAC FM sessions next term.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles

5 Day Football (Soccer) Holiday Program

July School Holiday Football (Soccer) Program - 5 - 9 July 2021


Invite friends and family to the Kinder - Year 9 July Holiday Football Camp


The College will be holding the July School Holiday Football Program during the last week of the school holidays  - 5 - 9 July.


Students from Thomas Hassall can invite their friends along to join in the fun!


All participants will be involved in activities that develop soccer skills and promote understanding of the game. The daily training will be designed to improve the skill level of each individual in a fun and safe environment.

Our Football Director, Mr Sonny Makko will be leading the program and it is offered to boys and girls in Kindergarten to Year 9.

Read more on the flyer

Find out more and book your place now

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator

July GERRIC Workshops

The Scientia Challenge Program features a range of exciting workshops taught over three days designed for gifted and talented high school students in Years 7-10.  

Developed and led by practising experts, the workshops follow a university-style investigative structure with intellectually-stimulating content. With the level of study aimed two years higher than the students' grade level, these dynamic workshops offer gifted students a rigorous and challenging program.  

Click here for more information.

Mrs Millie Pettett
Coordinator of Learning Innovation – Middle Years and G & T

Code Camp

Code Camp is back at Thomas Hassall.  

5 - 7 July
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

  • Little Heroes Ages 5 - 6 years | 2 days
  • Spark Ages 7 -12 years | 3 days
  • DJ Camp Ages 8-13 years | 2 days   

See attached flyer for more information 


NSW CIS Primary Boys Touch Football Trials

On Friday 4 June, Ryder W and Jack E represented NASSA at the trials for the NSW CIS Primary Boys Touch Football team.  

The selection day was held at Penrith Touch fields and the best players from all over the state came to trial.

Although the boys were not selected in the team, they trialed with great skills and sportsmanship. 

Well done Ryder and Jack!

Mrs Sharon Evans
P- 6 Sport Coordinator / TAP Coordinator

NASSA Junior Cross Country

Thomas Hassall Junior School comes 4th at Cross Country. 

The NASSA Junior Cross Country Carnival was held on Friday 14 May at Horsley Park Equestrian Centre in a combined carnival with the Secondary School.  

The Junior team well-prepared and ready to race, having already run of the course at the Senior School carnival.

Our students performed excellently on the day with some great individual performances. Congratulations to our medal winners:

Jenson M - 2nd -  8/9 year boys 2km race

Isaiah W - 1st - 10 year boys 2km race 

Ella W - 1st -11 year 3km race

Ryder W - 3rd -11 year 3km race

Our Junior school placed 4th overall on the NASSA Junior schools point score!!!

It was a fantastic team performance with students selected to represent NASSA at the CIS Cross Country Championships. 

Congratulations to the following students who were successful in gaining a place to compete on 10 June at Eastern Creek:  

8/9 years boys  Jenson M

10 years boysIsaiah W

8/9 years girls Ella W , Emilija P

11 years boys Ryder W, Aleksandar M

12 year girls - Sapphire W

Congratulations to all students who competed on the day, we are very proud of you all!!

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator

NASSA Junior Touch Football Gala Day

It was early in the morning, Tuesday 25 May, when our Year 5 and 6 Boys and Girls Touch Football teams headed off to Milperra for the NASSA Junior Touch Football Gala Day.

The grass was covered in dew and visibility was low,but that did not dampen the enthusiasm of our teams.

The Girls team began the tournament against Macarthur Anglican School, starting off with a draw. The boys followed suit, backing up with a strong performance and securing a great win. The day continued well, with the sun coming out to shine. The teams provided great entertainment for the spectators with lots of diving, dodging and non-stop running.

Both teams played extremely well, learnt many new skills and had a great tournament.  

A big congratulations to Jack E, Ryder W and Jewlius C who were selected to represent NASSA at the NSW CIS trials in June.

Mrs Annabelle Wood and Miss Dayla Tikeri
Boys and Girls - Touch Football Coaches

NASSA & AICES Cross Country

Students recently competed at the NASSA and AICES Cross Country Carnival.

It was perfect conditions for the event at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre.

Congratulations to the following students who qualified to compete at the next levels.

AICES Qualifiers:
Alexander A
Liliana C (2nd Place)
Dusan C
Adrian D
Jonathan F
Milly G
Charlie K
Christopher L
Joshua S
Cooper S
Flynn S
Adrian T
Isabella V(1st Place)
Lucas V

CIS Qualifiers:
Dusan C
Adrian D
Jonathan F
Charlie K
Adrian T

Mr Michael Fox
Senior School Sports Coordinator

Senior School Sports Awards Assembly

On Monday the 10th of June we held a Special Assembly to commend Senior School Students who have demonstrated excellence and service in College Sport Programs throughout Semester One.

Students also had a special visit from Paige Hadley. Paige is an international netball player who plays for the Australian National Netball Team the Origin Diamonds and NSW Swifts. She has been awarded the Ian Thorpe Outstanding Achievement Award and won National and International titles in her Netball career.

She gave an inspiring talk to the students and also during the assembly competed in a staff versus students shoot out!

The College commends all of the following students for their effort, service and dedication to sport at Thomas Hassall.




Mr Michael Fox
Senior School Sports Coordinator 

Year 3 - 6 Athletics Carnival

The Year 3 - 6 Athletics Carnival was held at Campbelltown Athletics Stadium on Wednesday 19 May 2021

The sun was shining and all students had the opportunity to participate in a variety of track and field events.

It was great to see students proudly wearing their College House shirts and striving to do their best in all the events.

The highlight of the day was the relays, where the grandstand came alive with colour and cheer, with students supporting and encouraging the runners from their House.

A BIG THANK YOU  to Mr Weir and the YEAR 11  Fitness class who ran the field events.  They did a fantastic job to ensure the carnival ran smoothly and efficiently. 

The House competition was very close this year.  Congratulations to LEWIS, who were overall winners.

The Primary Carnival results were:

1st – Lewis              2,393 points                                   2nd – Carmichael       2,341 points

3rd – Liddell             1,722 points                                   4th – Wilberforce       1, 517 points

The following students were the Age Champions for the carnival:




8 years

Willow S & Amaniah S

Dante C

9 years

Miranda S

Stefan C

10 years

Alana M

Isaiah W

11 years

Ella W

Ryder W

12 years

Natasha M

Max V

Students who have qualified to represent the College at the NASSA carnival will be notified soon.  

The NASSA Junior Athletics Carnival will be held next term, on Thursday 12 August 2021.

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sport Coordinator

NSW CIS Primary Cross Country Championships

On Thursday 10 June, seven Primary students headed to Eastern Creek to run at the NSW CIS Primary Cross Country Championships.

In freezing cold and wet conditions, the students persevered and ran through the rain and mud to complete the course. 

Congratulations to Isaiah W who won the the 10 year 2km event in a blistering time of 7.55.00, securing the GOLD medal!  Isaiah will go on and represent NSW CIS at the NSW PSSA Championships next term.  

We are very proud of all students who represented the College at the State Championships:

8/9 years boys  - Jenson M

10 years boys  - Isaiah W -   1ST PLACE

11 years girlsElla W , Emilija P

11 years boys - Ryder W, Aleksandar M

12 year girls - Sapphire W

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator and TAP Coordinator

CommunityBack to Top

WhatsApp Groups for Grades

The Parent Community Network is always looking at ways we can assist parents to connect with each other.  

Parents of the younger year groups have created WhatsApp groups that they are apart of, many have stated how useful they have been particularly during COVID.

Parent administrators have asked to extend the opportunity to parents who may not be aware of these groups. Please note that these groups are not run or administered by the College, rather are parent run. If you would like to be added to your child's grade WhatsApp group, please fill in the form and your details will be passed on to the admins.

If you are an administrator of any other groups and are interested in reaching your year groups parents, please email [email protected]

Mrs Carmen Pasapera
Marketing & Community Relations Manager

Thomas Hassall Marketplace

Do you have second hand uniforms or school equipment that you want to sell? Are you searching for extra uniforms?

In response to the requests of parents, the College is pleased to provide a marketplace were parents can connect to buy/sell/swap College Uniforms and other school based equipment such as instruments or sports gear. 

Please use this link to our uniform page of our website to access the site. The terms and conditions of use are outlined on the site, please take time to read these before using.

We trust that this will assist families. Should you have any feedback or questions, please contact Mandy Payne

You can also access the Marketplace via our website by going to the 'Current Students' tab and selecting 'Uniforms'.

Once you are on the page, navigate to the 'Second Hand Uniforms Buy and Sell' tab and then press the link 'Visit the Marketplace'.