Term 4 : Friday 26 October 2018

From the Principal
Principal Ross Whelan

You will remember that time if you are a parent.  Many students have already received notification of early entry to University; some also to apprenticeships and TAFE.

The Chairman of the College Council, Dr Geoff Huard and I will be sending you a letter next week to inform you regarding the direction for the College over the next few years.  We know the economic pressures for all of us and Dr Huard will write about fees for next year.  In addition we have a Strategic Plan document for your information and notice about a parent survey to assist the College leadership in terms of your opinions about our processes and practices.  I trust the documents will be helpful and you will be able to find time to read and respond to them. 

Today we have Part One of the Early Learning Athletics Carnival on the brand new oval.  What an occasion as you can imagine.  Small children on a very large oval makes for a great spectacle and we look forward to a lovely day.  Part Two for Prep, Years 1 & 2 will take place next week. 

Reporting season has commenced and teachers have begun the process to bring you a summary report of your child’s academic performance and contribution to the College for 2018.  You will receive reports in the last week or so of term.

Our Celebration program has expanded across the last few years and a letter was sent out to families of students in Prep to Year 2 earlier this week to indicate a special separate celebration for our youngest students, to be held during the day from this year.  We want to be able to accommodate all students and families in our programs and we trust this meets your needs also.

This weekend we hold a Junior School JAM Camp at the Anglican Campsites at Port Hacking.  JAM stands for Jesus and Me and the camp is a mix of lots of outdoor activities and some Christian talks in groups.  Many teachers attend and it’s a great weekend at this spring time of the year.

Thanks once again for your support of the College programs.

‘For him who is able to keep you from stumbling …to the only God our Saviour, be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord.’ Jude 1: 24-25

Mr Ross Whelan
From the Deputy Principal
Deputy Junior

You will have received a note about Celebration this year. We have been looking closely at what we have always done for Celebration and reviewed the purpose and relevance for the different members of the community. We would like to make the event more relevant and inclusive for the children by including them in the audience so they can be part of the ceremony and recognise all that has been achieved this year. The content of each event will be targeted to the age group and there will be more opportunities for children to be part of the performances. It also allows for more parents and grandparents to attend and ensures that our younger children are not expected to be at their best way past their usual bedtime. I encourage you to provide us with feedback about how this new initiative works.

This term is also when we welcome new students through our orientations across the College. This year we are trialling more classroom visits for Kindergarten to help make that transition easier, particularly for the students who are not part of our Prep program. We are also preparing to farewell our current Year 6 students as they move into the Senior School. Invitations have been sent for our Year 6 dinner that will again be held at the College at the end of the year.

This weekend 120 students in Years 4 – 6 and a large number of staff from both the Junior and Senior school are attending our annual JAM (Jesus and Me) camp. This is a great opportunity for the students to have an amazing time together, with lots of outdoor adventure activities, as well as an opportunity for them to learn from the bible together. Thank you particularly to Mr Bakarich for his excellent organisation and to the team attending.

Mrs Christine Bessant
Deputy Principal
Term 4 Important Dates

Term 4

Friday 26 October 2018 Prep & Kinder Tabloid Carnival
Thursday 1 November 2018 Prep, Year 1 & 2 Tabloid Carnival
Thursday 8 November 2018 Year 11 Parent Teacher Night
Friday  9 November 2018 Kindergarten Orientation - Existing Prep Students 
Monday 12 November 2018 Mid Term Break - Students Only
Wednesday 14 November 2018 Young Performers' Evening 
Thursday 15 November 2018 Kindergarten Orientation - New Students 2019
Friday 16 November 2018 Years 1-6 Orientation
Monday 19 November 2018 Senior Ensembles Evening 
Friday 23 November 2018 Kindergarten Orientation - All Students 
Tuesday 27 November 2018 Volunteers' Thank You Breakfast
Wednesday 28 November 2018 Year 6 Dinner 
Wednesday 28 November 2018 Prep Orientation - 3 day program
Thursday 29 November 2018 Prep Orientation - 2 day program
Wednesday 5 December 2018

Junior School Celebration
Prep to Year 2 - 1-2:30pm
Years 3 - 6 - 6 - 7:30pm

Thursday 6 December 2018 Senior School Celebration - 7 - 9:00pm
Friday 7 December 2018 Last Day of Term 4
Transport - Student Cards


Opal Card
Opal Card

Applying for school travel passes has never been easier. The online process is thanks to a partnership the College has with Transport for NSW.

The application process has been simplified so new or updated applications for school travel passes are only needed when a student is:

  • Applying for school travel pass for the first time
  • Requesting an additional pass as a result of a new shared parental responsibility situation
  • Changing school or campus
  • Changing home address
  • Receiving an expiry notification
  • Repeating a school year
  • Changing their name
  • Requesting a new transport operator

This means students who are progressing to Year 3 and 7 only need to reapply if they are changing circumstances.

Students who are not residents and are temporarily in Australia can provide their Visa subclass number when applying online, making the approval process much faster.

Apply today HERE. If you don't have internet access, call 131 500.

*Please note, do not throw out Opal cards - they are reusable.

Well done Junior School on excellent ICAS Results

ICAS Results for Thomas Hassall Junior School

In the Junior section of our College, ICAS is a test that students in Years 3-6 can choose to sit.

Over one million student entries are accepted from over 6,300 schools in Australia and New Zealand annually. In addition, students from over 20 countries including Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and the USA participate in ICAS each year.

Results in Science:

Year 3:

Merit: Elijah W, Hannah H

Credit: Abigail B, Sean H

Distinction: Pep B, Eason M

Year 4:

Credit: Alexander C, Aaron D, Lucas G, Alex L, Rico Z

Year 5:

Credit: Benjamin A, Timothy B, Phoenix B, Arjun N, Timothy W

Distinction: Stratos D, Isabella W

Year 6:

Merit: Bailee V

Credit: Lucas C, Charles K, Zachary M, Matthew P, Regan R, Faith W

Results in Spelling:

Year 3:

Merit: Nicholas H, Jake L

Credit: Elijah W, Eason M, Natasha M, Angelina R, Ashleigh R, Sapphire W

Distinction: Sean H, Maribella S,

High Distinction (99th percentile): Tai Long Z

Year 4:

Merit: Isadora T, Arianna T

Credit: Aaron D

Distinction: Alex L, Rico Z

Year 5:

Merit: Timothy B, Isabella W

Credit: Chloe Q, Chelsea S

Distinction: Lucia G, Arjun N

Year 6:

Merit: Sofia D, Faith W

Credit: Alyssa M, Matthew P

Distinction: Mia F

Results in Writing:

Year 3:

Merit: Angelina R, Eason M, Ashleigh R, Maribella S and Isabella M

Credit: Sapphire W, Abigail B and Hannah H

Distinction: Sean H

Year 4:

Credit: Lucas G, Alexander C and Madeleine S

Year 5:

Credit: Lucia G

Distinction: Timothy B, Jasmine L and Arjun N

Year 6:

Credit: Natalia J

Results in English:

Year 3:

Merit: Sean H, Abigail R, Sapphire W, Natasha M

Credit: Elijah W, Pep B, Eason M, Ashleigh R, Tai Long Z

Year 4:

Merit: Madeleine S, Isabella M

Credit: Alexander C, Aaron D

Distinction: Lucas G,

Year 5:

Merit: Jasmine L, Chloe Q

Credit: Timothy B, Stratos D

Distinction: Arjun N

Year 6:

Merit: Faith W

Credit: Charles K

Results in Mathematics:

Year 3:

Merit: Eason M, Maribella S

Credit: Elijah W, Hannah H, Zaria-Mia H, Sean H, Richie L

Distinction: Reyhana A, Pep B, Nicholas H

Year 4:

Credit: Alexander C, Aaron D, Lucas G, Alex L, Isabella M, Madeleine S, Isadora T, Rico Z

Distinction: Adrian Z

Year 5:

Merit: Timothy B, Jacinta D

Credit: Phoenix B, Stratos D, Hugo L, Isabella W

Distinction: Arjun N

Year 6:

Merit: Bailee V

Credit: Naomi C, Lucas C, Mia F, Charles K, Zachary M, Regan R

Distinction: Faith W, Matthew P

Mrs Emma Harris
Stage Coordinator for Years 1,2 and 3






2020 Scholarships Years 7 and 11

We are very pleased to offer a limited number of Academic Scholarships for students entering Years 7 and 11 in 2020. To be considered for a Scholarship students must register and sit the ACER examination. Outlined below are the details regarding how to apply.

Applications close: midnight AEDT Monday 4 February 2019

Test Date: Saturday 23 February 2019

Application Fee: $100

Location: Thomas Hassall Anglican College

Steps in the Scholarship Process:

  1. Register online to sit the ACER Scholarship examination at http://www.thac.nsw.edu.au/scholarships 
  2.  An invitation to sit the examination will be sent prior to the examination date, including location at the College and requirements for the exam. In the meantime, please advise the College if there are any changes to your contact details.
  3. All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their scholarship applications in early April 2019.
  4. Online individual reports will be available to parents in April 2019.


If you have any questions please contact Mrs Amanda Low, Enrolments Co-ordinator on 9608 0033.

EventsBack to Top

Volunteers' Breakfast 2018

Please join us at our Volunteers' Breakfast on Tuesday 27 November commencing at 7:30am.

Please RSVP to Christine Klomp - [email protected] no later than Monday 19 November for catering purposes.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Click the link for more detail.


LearningBack to Top

Year 4 Reading Challenge

The competition had been tight throughout the term and it all came down to the final week. By a very slim margin of 95 pages, the boys took home the win, setting up an interesting contest for Term 4.

Over the term, an amazing total of 66 835 pages were read by Year 4 students! With one term to go, books are at the ready – the championship is up for grabs. Who will be the overall Year 4 Champions?

Miss Claire Donaldson 
Assistant Stage 2 Coordinator 

Performing ArtsBack to Top

Junior School STEM Club

This will will run at lunchtimes on Mondays, in 4D’s classroom. During Term 4 we will focus on coding and use the program, Scratch.

If you are a student in Years 4-6 and are interested in coming along, we would love to see you on Mondays. Please see Miss Donaldson if you have any questions.

Miss Claire Donaldson 
Assistant Stage 2 Coordinator 

Junior School Sport - Information & Important Dates

Important Junior School Sport Dates


Week 2 -          Friday 26 October – Prep Red, Prep White and Kindergarten Tabloid Carnival - College oval

Week 3 -          Thursday 1 November – Prep Blue, Prep Purple and Year One and Year Two Tabloid Carnival - College oval

Week 6 -          Tuesday 20 November - Wanderers Cup Finals Day - Blacktown Sportspark - Year 5 & 6 Girls and Boys APP Football program teams 

Week 6 -          Wednesday 21 November - Summer IPSSO Finals Day - Broughton Anglican College

Week 7 -          Wednesday 28 November - Summer IPSSO Back - up Finals Day - Broughton Anglican College


PE & Sport

It is advisable that your child has a refillable drink bottle on Sport and PE days to ensure that they are able to re-hydrate after exercise.  A frozen drink is also a great idea.  All children are required to wear the PE cap or College hat for sporting activities.  

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator 

Summer IPSSO Draw and College Sport - Term Four 2018

The Summer IPSSO Competition (Cricket, Girls Soccer, Summer Tee-ball & Softball, Oz Tag and Basketball) continues in Term 4.  

Students who were selected in Summer teams from Term 1, continue this sport for Term 4.  Training is held each Wednesday 7.30 – 8.15am. 


This week we were able to play some of our home games using our new sports facilities.  Basketball was played in the new Sports Complex and Oz Tag, Girls Soccer, Teeball and Softball were played on the new oval.  It was awesome to be able to host games using our excellent facilities.


Summer Term 4



Game Time

Girls Soccer

Boys Cricket

Oz Tag, Tee-bal & Softball




St Mark's

12.30 - 2.20

THAC - new oval Powell Park

THAC - new oval

THAC  Sports Hall




12.30 - 2.20

THAC - new oval

Powell Park

THAC - new oval

THAC  Sports Hall


4 William Carey CS 12.20 - 2.10 WCCS Browns Farm Res WCCS WCCS


5 GRG 12.30 - 2.20 THAC - new oval Powell Park THAC - new oval THAC  Sports Hall


6 IPSSO Summer Finals all day if teams qualify      


7 IPSSO Back-up Finals if required        


8 Class based sport          



Students who are not involved in Summer IPSSO teams will participate in the Year 3 -6 College Sports program.

All sports are taught by qualified coaches and the sport runs for the entire term.  There is no cost associated with the program as it is covered by College fees.  

Yr 3 Boys

Basketball Clinic

Yr 5 Boys

AFL Clinic

Yr 3 Girls

Football (Soccer)

Yr 5 Girls


Yr 4 Boys

Cricket NSW Clinic

Yr 6 Boys

West Tigers League Clinic

Yr 4 Girls


Yr 6 Girls









Mrs Sharon Evans
P - 6 Sports Coordinator

Talented Athletes Program - Swimming

The TAP Swimming program is designed to identify talented students from Years 3 – 12 and offers an extensive training program to students who have represented Thomas Hassall Anglican College at the NASSA carnival level or above.

In 2018 we extended the program to include an extra day for students to train. 

Days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the College term (except public holidays)
Time:  5.45am - 7.15am
Venue: Whitlam Leisure Centre - 90A Memorial Avenue, Liverpool
Cost: Fees will be charged per term
Transport: Parents are to make their own arrangements to get children to the pool for a 5.45am start. Students will be transported by mini bus to College at the conclusion of the session.

The squad-based sessions will be structured to adopt best practices and will focus on stroke development and correction, developing strength and endurance. 

Sessions will include race preparation, dives and turns.

The TAP Swimming program is offered to all students who competed at the NASSA Junior or NASSA Senior Swimming Carnival. However, if there is a talented swimmer who did not attend the College Swimming Carnival they may be assessed to be part of the program.

If you would like more information about the TAP Swimming program, please contact Mrs Evans [email protected]

Brochures are available at the College Office.


2019 Football Development Program information coming soon...

Football Development Programs - Kindergarten - Year 8 (afternoon programs)

The College offers Football Development Programs for students in Kinder to Year 8.

The year-long program caters for both boys and girls and is conducted by our Football Director - Sonny Makko.

The one-hour sessions are designed to improve the skill level of each individual and suited for all abilities.


2019 Football Development brochures are currently being organised and will be distributed soon.


2019 Program details:

Monday 3.00 - 4.00pm Kinder - Year 2 Football Development Program
Tuesday 3.00 - 4.00pm Year 3 - Year 8 Football Development Program
Wednesday 3.00 - 4.00pm Kinder - Year 2 Football Development Program
Thursday 3.00 - 4.00pm Year 2 - Year 6 Football Development Program
Friday 3.00 - 4.00pm K-6 GIRLS Only Football Development Program


Mrs Sharon Evans

TAP Coordinator 

2019 - 15 years and under Secondary Boys Football program

Trials were held at the end of last term for the 2019 - 15 years and Under Secondary Boys Football Program.

All boys who are enrolled in Secondary School in 2019 and are 15 years and under are eligible to trial for the program.

If your son is interested in a position in the program please complete the attached flyer and return to Mrs Evans via email [email protected] 

Paper copies of the application form are available at Student Reception.

The 2019 program commenced in Term 4, 2018 and continues into Terms 1, 2 and 3, 2019.


Prep - Year 2 Tabloid Carnivals in Term 4

Next one is on Thursday 1 November (Week 3) -  Prep Blue, Prep Purple, Years 1 and 2

Parents are most welcome to come along and enjoy the day.

Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator