I’d like to start by sharing a highlight from last weekend where I had the pleasure of spending time at JAM camp (Jesus and Me) which was held in the beautiful surrounds of the Royal National Park. It was a wonderful time of fun and learning about Jesus. I’d especially like to thank the staff who lead on JAM camp last week – Rev. Oliver, Miss Broadstock, Mr Buckley, Mrs Flack, Mr Stroud and Mr Butchatsky. I encourage all families with students in Year 5 or Year 6 to consider going next year! I was greatly encouraged after one of the discussion groups where a student said ‘our life isn’t perfect, but Jesus is perfect. We can trust in Him during the storms of life’. Our College is a place where children can explore the Christian faith and consider Jesus- how wonderful!

Next week we have a lot happening around the College. I’ve outlined below key events that are happening and I hope to see many of you at our Parent-Teacher Interviews on Tuesday and Thursday.

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Parent-Teacher Interviews are happening next week on Tuesday and Thursday. The bookings closed at 3pm today, Friday 7 March. Email [email protected] if you need to discuss changes to your booking. These times provide valuable opportunities for parents and teachers to partner together as we prepare for a strong year of learning for every child. Thank you for making the time to come along.

Open Week

Next week we welcome visitors onsite to see the College first-hand and learn more about us. Open Week is a great opportunity to encourage people you know to come along and discover the exceptional programs, vibrant community, and supportive environment we have here.

Junior School Cross Country

Our Cross Country Carnival for Years 3-6 is scheduled for Tuesday next week. It’s a chance for everyone to strive for their personal best as they participate in long-distance physical activity and cheer on their peers. This event is dependent on the weather and we will communicate with families if this does not go ahead as planned.


As we approach the beginning of NAPLAN mid-next week, students in Years 3 and 5 have had the opportunity to become familiar with the testing format and have been supported in the lead up, ready to give it their best effort. NAPLAN is one snapshot of their achievement in assessing literacy and numeracy skills. Results are shared with families later in the year.

Through all seasons of life, we can be encouraged by God’s Word. When the storms of life come, we can draw strength from Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. I look forward to seeing you around the College next week at one of our special events.

Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."