Thanks so much for a great year together! I hope your young people have had a productive, purposeful, challenging and enjoyable year. Did they make use of the opportunities available at the College? Were they diligent in their learning, supportive in their friendships, brave in their approach to extra curricula activities and soft hearted in their spiritual lives? I hope so!

It was wonderful for our Year 10s to spend the week in the Pathway to Prelim program. Many thanks to our amazing teachers for their efforts. Did your Year 11 student come home and tell you of their experiences? Has it solidified for them the pathway forward in their Stage 6 studies and beyond?

The Year 7 Medieval incursion was held this week and is always an excellent immersion into the culture and struggles of this period in history.

Have you completed all the paperwork for the 2025 camp as yet? These camps will be a fabulous way for young people to strengthen the bonds within their year group and with College staff. They are also a good way to develop in their confidence and skills whilst developing some grit and resilience! Please encourage your child to see the opportunities in these camps and attend.

I would like to publicly thank the departing staff for their contributions and service to the College over their time here. The way in which they have sought to teach and care for the young people in their classes has been exemplary. Of particular note is my dear friend and mentor Mr Roger Young, who has been an institution in this place and we will all miss him greatly. He has been an inspiration to our students, an encourager of them through good times and challenges and he has always been a Godly example to our community.

Have a merry Christmas with your friends and family and I hope you get some quality time together celebrating the birth of our Saviour!