It was great to visit the Year 7 Careers session this week with our Careers Advisor, Mrs Maha Ghabrial. It was a fun experience for our youngest Senior School students to be answering questions about themselves with the purpose of then looking at what possible careers might be of interest to them down the road.

I am excited to announce that Thomas Hassall will be introducing Morrisby Profiling in 2025, a cutting-edge tool designed to help students gain valuable insights into their personal strengths, career preferences, and potential future paths. This will be available to our Years 9 to 12 students and any other students who wish to sign up for it earlier.

Morrisby Profiling uses psychometric assessments, including aptitude tests, personality inventories, and surveys to provide a comprehensive analysis of an individual's abilities, interests and personality. By evaluating cognitive strengths, work preferences, and individual traits, the software generates a personalised career report that suggests not only suitable career paths, but subjects to study in the senior years of high school that align ambition with real world expectations. I am looking forward to seeing how this will assist our students by giving them accurate insights about themselves.

Year 10 students had a ball at the Service Learning week and Peer Support training recently. They have an important Driver Safety Awareness excursion coming up next week followed by the Pathway to Prelim experience which allows them to get a sense of what their Stage 6 courses will look like, contain and require of them in their last two years of schooling. This should be a truly valuable week ahead and I want to thank all of our staff who contribute to making it such a worthwhile opportunity for our Year 10s. We have prioritised this over a second week of work experience or an early departure into holidays which some other schools do, because we see it as a real leg up into the Preliminary courses which will begin in 2025.

I want to encourage our new Year 12 students who embark on a mini assessment block and study skills adventure next week. Developing the tools needed for independent study will be vital for the final year before their major exams and so I would ask of them all to seek to gain as much as they can from this opportunity, while using the time responsibly in their preparation for the assessments also!

I look forward to seeing you at Celebration in a few weeks!