This term, our Year 7 and 8 students embraced one of our College’s graduate aims, Compassion, through Anglicare's Toys 'n' Tucker project. As part of their Wellbeing lessons, students have been learning about compassion and exploring ways to respond to the needs of others in our community, particularly during the Christmas season.
A highlight of the term was a visit from an Anglicare guest speaker, Ruby, who inspired students to think deeply about the impact of their generosity and encouraged them to take action. This week, groups of students from Year 7 and Year 8 have been busy packing the generous donations from College families into 25 boxes. On Friday, 22nd November, these boxes were collected by the Anglicare truck and will soon be transformed into hampers for families in need, spreading joy and hope during the festive season.
For more than 20 years, Anglicare Sydney’s Toys 'n' Tucker program has provided churches, schools, businesses, and community groups with a way to share the joy of Christmas and demonstrate God’s love by supplying food and gifts for those who would otherwise go without.
Through this project, students have learned about the challenges faced by many in our community, including the following:
- On any given day in Australia, more than half a million households struggle to put food on the table.
- Over 763,000 households in NSW and the ACT experienced hunger in the past 12 months due to a lack of funds.
- More than half of food-insecure households in NSW and the ACT (54%) had someone in paid work.
- 27% of households with mortgages in NSW and the ACT experienced food insecurity in the past year.
- The rising cost of living is the most common reason Australians struggle to afford food.
- Christmas is especially challenging for families in need, as many face additional pressure to provide gifts and special meals for their loved ones.
Thank you to all the families who donated so generously and to our Pastoral Care teachers for supporting and guiding the students throughout this initiative.
Please pray for those in our community who are in need, and that these gifts will help families doing it tough this Christmas.
Mr Samuel Mills & Mrs Roslyn Rodrigues
Year 7 Advisors