Today marks the final day of the 2024 HSC. I want to acknowledge the efforts of our students and teachers who have strived to do their best over this time. It has been a privilege to partner with the families of our Year 12 students. You must be enormously proud of the efforts and commitment they have shown. It is not always easy. Many students face hurdles in their education journey. These hurdles vary and can be the result of external factors as well as the internal pressure that we all place on ourselves at different times. Importantly, being able to manage adversity and challenges is how we all grow. This is where real character is developed. Congratulations to you all.
I have also been privileged to start working with our new student leaders. They are an impressive group of young people and we are looking forward to the contribution they will bring to the College over the coming year.
Our Year 10 students have been developing in their skills and understanding about the wider community too. This week they have engaged in multiple service learning opportunities. Learning to Serve is one of the College guiding principles. It is our hope that students will see the world beyond their immediate surroundings and realise that they can truly make a difference in the lives of others.
Grandparents Day last week was a joyous occasion. Thank you to all who visited and joined in the wonderful learning experiences of our younger students. They too are learning to serve – through building their knowledge and understanding of how we are all different yet united as one College. I enjoyed meeting with many of you and it was great to celebrate alongside you.
Finally, our Year 2 students have completed their poetry recitals as part of their program for developing confidence and speaking skills. The poems were delightful and appropriate for this age group and I was truly amazed at the talent of some of our youngest children. They presented their chosen poems with humour, with actions and expression. Congratulations.
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
Philippians 2:3