It was such a pleasure to spend the evening with teachers and students at Year 12 Trivia Night. Year 12 students, Mallika and Sean did a fantastic job organising the event, with help from Year Advisors Miss Sharma and Mr Fortuin. It was one of those memorable moments, as we head into the final week for Year 12 and everyone had a great time.
Year 12 Trivia

The Class of 2024 has been working hard on-site, studying and preparing, and they've truly impressed me with their commitment as they get ready for their final exams. Mr Corbett-Jones led the Study initiative, providing resources that tied in with the study techniques they've been learning. There was a choice between personal or group study, with teachers on hand to help whenever needed. I have to say, I’ve been proud of the mature way the students have approached these sessions, taking full advantage of everything available to them.

Year 12 Study

Of course, we couldn’t miss out on some friendly competition with our Staff vs. Students sporting fixtures. So far, we’ve had the Basketball Shootout and the Volleyball game, and you can read more about those in this edition of The Way. Today, Year 12 made the most of the gorgeous weather by having a lunchtime picnic on the Oval, reserved just for them. Picnic blankets, football games, and plenty of fun—what a lovely way to spend the day!


I’m really looking forward to the Prayer Breakfast with the cohort, and I know you’ll all join me in praying for them as they prepare for what’s ahead. The final week is such a special time, capped off by the Graduation Walk.

And to the parents—while Year 12 has been enjoying all these moments, I want to take a moment to thank you. Your support throughout this journey has meant the world to them. As they head into the break and focus on their exams, we wish them all the best for success.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalm 119:105