At our college, we have a tradition in the final week for Year 12 students, where they visit the Kindergarten class, read a book to the children, and then gift that same book to them. This year, the chosen book is "Wherever You Go, I Want You to Know", a story that speaks about God's presence throughout life's journey — a meaningful message for both the reader and the listener.

Year 12 2023

I love witnessing the tenderness our seniors show to the Kindergarten students, and the beauty of one generation passing something on to the next. This tradition always brings to mind a passage from Psalm 78.

God gave his Law to Jacob's descendants, the people of Israel.

And he told our ancestors to teach their children, so that each new generation

would know his Law and tell it to the next. Then they would trust God and obey his teachings,

without forgetting anything God had done. They would be different from their ancestors, who were stubborn, rebellious, and unfaithful to God.

Psalm 78:5-8

God desires His Word to be known, not just by our generation, but by the generations to come. He wants our children, and their children, to have the opportunity to know Him, to choose Him, and to share in eternity with Him. God's heart is for them to grow in faith, because faith is the way He calls us to relate to Him. And since faith is built on truth, it is essential that they understand His mighty deeds and hear His powerful words.

As parents, I encourage you to share God's Word with your children. Why not make it a habit to read the Bible together as a family, or even memorise Scripture as a way to draw closer to Him? Let's take on a "big-picture" mindset, just like our God, investing in the spiritual legacy of our children and preparing their hearts for a lifetime of faith.