To celebrate Book Week, Junior School students and teachers brought their favourite characters to life in the Book Week Parade.

The event was filled with creativity and excitement, as students paraded in costumes of characters from their favourite books- from classic fairy tale characters to modern superheroes.

Our Year 5 students took on the role of junior reporters, capturing the day through their own articles about the Book Week Parade. Below are two of their write-ups, highlighting the fun and enthusiasm of the parade:

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Thomas Hassall Anglican College hosted the annual Book Parade today, which featured students and teachers from the Junior School dressing up as their favourite book characters. Members from the community were blown away by the students’ designs.

During the parade, students from different years paraded, eager to display their amazing costumes. Judging by the costumes, Harry Potter continues to be a popular character. 

“The Book Week Parade was an incredible day as we celebrated our love of reading. It was fun to see the creativity of the students’ costumes and to hear from them about their favourite books,” stated Mrs Wheeler, Deputy Principal and Head of Junior School.

Book Week is designed to celebrate books and encourage children to read. Going by the joy and happiness on everyone’s faces, this was the case.  

By Yuuki T (Year 5)


Today saw the annual Book Parade at Thomas Hassall Anglican College. Students had the chance to express their love of books by dressing up as one of their favourite characters. “How wonderful to celebrate books within the College community,” said Ms Hansford, the Director of Teaching and Learning.

Everyone paraded with a smile on their face while the crowd enjoyed watching their excitement. “It was fun and enjoyable,” commented Blair from Year 5.

The Thomas Hassall Anglican community looks forward to the next book parade as this one comes to an end.

By Madeleine S (Year 5)

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We are proud of the effort and creativity shown by all our students and teachers. Thank you for making Book Week a memorable celebration of reading and imagination!