Bad Writing Competition

To celebrate famous literary opening liners, the Senior Library is running a bad writing competition. The challenge for students is to write the most atrocious opening sentence to the worst novel ever written. A prize will be awarded to the cleverest and most witty submission. Please note that no rude or inappropriate answers will be accepted. Prize winners will be announced early next term.

Media & Duke of Edinburgh equipment

Students who still have Media and Duke of Edinburgh equipment need to return them to the library before the end of term. Please ensure all returning equipment has been cleaned and is complete.

Premiers Reading Challenge

Only two months remain to complete the Premiers Reading Challenge for 2024. Students will need to have read 20 books (10 PRC books and 10 of own choice) by Friday 23rd August. Premiers Reading Challenge books in the Senior Library can be identified by the red sticker found on the book’s spine. To be entered in the competition students need first to have submitted a parental permission form online, then hand in their completed book list to library staff. Book list printouts can be found in the IRC.

Book Bites

Take a book bite to see if it is to your taste?

‘The Red Pyramid (The Kane Chronicles) – Rick Riordan

“Carter and Sadie Kane’s dad is a brilliant Egyptologist with a secret plan that goes horribly wrong. An explosion shatters the ancient Rosetta stone and unleashes Set, the evil god of chaos . . .Set imprisons Dr Kane in a golden coffin and Carter and Sadie must run for their lives. To save their dad, they embark on a terrifying quest from Cairo to Paris to the American South-west and discover the truth about their family's connection to the House of Life- an Egyptian temple of magic that has existed for thousands of years. The pharaohs of ancient Egypt are far from dead and buried. And so, unfortunately, are their gods . . ."

Ancient myth and modern reality come crashing together in this fantastic book by popular author Rick Riordan. ‘The Red Pyramid’ is a fast-paced fantasy story filled with magic, monsters, and a diverse range of weird and wonderful characters. From the opening chapter it is obvious the author has done his research, as Ancient Egyptian history and mythology fills and directs the novels plot and story. It feels like the reader is learning while reading. Finishing with an epic cliffhanger that readers won’t see coming, this novel brilliantly sets up a series that is guaranteed to be just a popular as the ‘Percy Jackson’ books.

Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith
Senior IRC Library Team