It will have been an important week for Year 10 students this week as they got an insight into the careers they have chosen to investigate as part of the Work Experience Program. I commend them for having the skills to reach out to companies to ask if they could come and spend a week! It is so vital for a young person to be able to carry themselves maturely and speak well in situations like the workplace. I hope they have been coming home excited with stories about the purposeful work they have seen and been a part of. We have always found that Subject Selection coming on the heels of Work Experience, Mid Course reports and Parent Teacher Interviews is the most effective way to capitalise on the knowledge they have gained through this program to inform their future direction!

A brave group of Year 9 adventurers and staff went out hiking today through the Ku-ring-gai National park and they will be experiencing many character-building opportunities over the next 24 hours. Keep them in your prayers as they navigate the cold night and the slippery conditions!

I want to thank all of the music students and staff who took part in the fabulous Choral Festival this week which was hosted at the College. It was such a joyful occasion and a wonderful celebration of musical talent and appreciation from across the corporation.

I want to thank our Senior School teachers for the support they have been offering to their colleagues by stepping into their classes when they are not well enough to attend the campus. We are so blessed to have such skilled and flexible staff. In a climate where teacher shortages are occurring across the state, we continue to have quality teaching and learning experiences for our students because of the hard work of our whole teaching staff. The support of the parent community means a great deal to our teachers and is a strong contributing factor for why quality staff continue to work at the College, many travelling considerable distances to do so. Can I encourage you to reach out through the Parent Teacher nights and other interactions that you have with our teachers, to offer them your thanks and support for all they are doing to help your children and the College?

Have a fantastic long weekend with your families and I look forward to seeing you at College soon.