Year 1 students experienced the pure enjoyment of colour mixing last term.  It is such a joy to witness these young students experimenting and discovering with brush and paint.  The room is alive with exclamations of “I made pink!” and “I made orange!”

With the challenge of not painting any things other than the elements of colour and shape, students have been able to focus on technique and developing fine motor skills.  Classes begin with students painting their own colour wheel in the format developed by Sir Isaac Newton.  Next, harmonious colour schemes using acrylics in their categories of ‘warm’ and ‘cool’ colours extend students’ understanding of how the primary colours of red, yellow and blue can be mixed to create the secondary colours of orange, green and violet in many variations.  Students learn of humans’ use of pigments throughout history; from ochres bound with substances such as blood or egg, to the powder of semi-precious stones like lapis lazuli, to gold leaf, the use of colour to make Art is compelling.

In fostering creativity, we nurture in children the divine spark within - being made in the image of God the Creator - so essential to the mental and spiritual wellbeing of each of us.

I have set my rainbow in the clouds.  Genesis 9:13



Mrs Ann McDermott 
Junior School Specialist Teacher (Visual Arts)