There are many wonderful writing competitions running in Australia. We have compiled a list of the ones we are aware of that are valid for us in NSW. If your child has a talent or passion for writing, they may want to enter some or all of the competitions below.

Please note, every competition has specific terms and conditions. Please make sure the guidelines are followed closely to make sure work is accepted. These could include age of child, length of submission or even things like size, font and spacing of the text. 

These competitions are run outside of Thomas Hassall Anglican College, but we would love to hear of any success stories. You could let the College know via

Run Quarterly

Little Stories. Big Ideas Competition - Open to: Australian secondary school students

Due June

RD Walsh Memorial Writing for the Environment Prize Open to: up to 18

Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards Open to: K - 12

Due August

Best Australian Yarn - Open to: 12 years or older

Hilarie Lindsay Young Writers Poetry Competition - Open to: K – 12

Due September

Poem Forest: A native tree will be planted in The Australian Botanic Garden for every entry received

Due October

Positive words

Mrs Alex Saville
Gifted and Talented Liaison for the Junior School