I was delighted recently to hear from Anna in Year 6 who shared with me her proposal to start a Prep Reading Club in Term 2. I’m pleased to share that it is now up and running!
An enthusiastic group of Year 6 volunteers are visiting Prep a few lunchtimes a week to instil a passion for reading in our youngest students. They are thrilled to be immersing the Preps in a range of picture books and simply enjoy their time reading together. I’m greatly encouraged by their heart to serve and their desire to promote a love of reading with Prep students in the Junior School.
Here is part of Anna’s proposal:
“This Pilot program will be in the preschool building with both kind and compassionate Year 6 students. This will foster a love for reading for Prep students involved.”
Anna demonstrated excellent leadership in the preparation phase to advocate for her project– she organised the resources through the library, spoke passionately to Prep staff and inspired other Year 6 students to volunteer. I am confident both the Prep and Year 6 students involved will benefit from the Prep Reading Club. I’m excited to keep visiting throughout the term and see the joy of reading flourish.
Isn’t it amazing how the voice of one student with a passion can make a difference in the lives of others?! I wish the Reading Club Volunteers all the best.