I would like to start this edition with a huge thank you. The commissioning service last week was a special occasion for the College and for me. I appreciated the support from the whole community and it was wonderful to open our College to so many visitors. I was really impressed with our students in particular, and having the service in the PEC with all students in one place was fantastic.

The education landscape is continually changing. Schooling is different now to 20 years ago. There are so many opportunities for young people and a myriad of choices. There are also new challenges that we all need to navigate. AI (artificial intelligence) is one new innovation that presents both opportunities and challenges with the potential to support student learning, but only if we engage with the technology rather than allowing it to do the work for us. It can be tempting to input questions into an AI platform, however, this is counter-productive to the desire that we have for our students to become independent thinkers and creative problem-solvers. Please encourage your children to complete their own work and always give their best as we approach assessment season. 

Post-COVID absenteeism across all schools has increased significantly and continues to have an effect. Missing learning has a huge impact on post school results and success. I encourage you to read Mr Young’s article about leave.

Given some of these challenges, I think it is also really important that we celebrate the many privileges that we share at the College. The recent swimming carnivals have translated into some exceptional participation at the CASA carnivals. I was struck by the desire of some students to represent the college and their peer groups by giving their best in relays and individual events. 

The musical will be upon us before we know it – the rehearsals are in full swing. I encourage you to keep an eye out for the details as we get closer to the event and look forward to seeing you at one of the performances.

Finally, this week is Open Week. The College looks fantastic and we are ready to welcome potential new families to our community. 


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9