Our Easter Hat Parade (P-4) and Eggshibition (5-6) events are happening in Week 9. As your child starts the design phase, I’m encouraging families to consider using sustainable practices when creating their hat or Eggshibition display. 

It is a valuable learning experience to speak with your child about possible materials they could reuse or recycle as part of their hat or display. Have the conversation about what happens to what they create afterwards – where does it go? It is good for us to consider our environmental footprint and model sustainable choices as the creative process unfolds in your household!

• What parts can be recycled and what parts need to be thrown away?

• What will happen to it if it is thrown away? 

• How can we reduce waste? 

There are well over 800 students in the Junior School and what an impact we can make by considering sustainable practices in this process. Everyone can make a difference and every recyclable choice has a positive impact in our world. 

What can you do?

• Try looking at recyclable item items for inspiration that could be repurposed. 

• Try finding items around the home to use temporarily on the hat or display and put back afterwards

• Try setting a goal to use at least one recycled item or more! 

• Can anyone make it fully out of repurposed items?!

All the best with your projects Junior School students. I look forward to seeing your fantastic designs later this term that express the meaning of Easter.