Year 7 students embarked on a thrilling Crime Scene Investigation this week, delving into the historical cold case surrounding the mysterious Tollund Man. Harnessing their investigative skills, students meticulously examined photographs of his preserved body and analysed historical accounts of the initial investigation. They then delved into the scientific reports, piecing together clues to unravel the mystery of his untimely demise.

As the investigation progresses, students will channel their newfound knowledge and insights into crafting a CSI Report. This report not only serves as the culmination of their investigative efforts but also provides a platform for the development of crucial analytical and literacy skills.

Their journey into the historical cold case of Tollund Man demonstrates the power of hands-on learning. By immersing themselves in the role of history detectives, the students not only cultivate a deeper understanding of historical events but also sharpen essential skills that extend beyond the classroom.

Mrs Michelle Pearson
History and Legal Studies Co-ordinator