A warm welcome to all our new students in Junior School- we hope you have had a brilliant start here. We also think of our new Prep & Kindergarten students and families who are at the start of their educational journey here at the College! There are a few new faces amongst the staff team this year and we are excited to welcome them into the Thomas Hassall family. 

The start of every year brings about lots of things that are new or different. For many this is a very exciting time with many new possibilities for the future. We also acknowledge that for others it can be daunting at times to experience something we have never done before. However, what is new today will soon be the regular way and the staff here are attentive to every child as they adjust to the new year. I am truly delighted to see our Junior School students settling in to their new routines, new classes and the new opportunities that await them this year.

Amongst our new staff we have Mrs Ann McDermott joining us. Mrs McDermott is our Junior School Art Specialist and brings a wealth of experience, passion and energy to empower students in Years 1 to 6 to unlock their creativity, skills and joy for Art! It is very exciting to start this new specialist program and I look forward to the many benefits this will bring to the students’ learning journey.

I would also like to thank all our parents and families who were in attendance for the Parent Information sessions. The aim is to keep you informed and connected with what your child will be learning this year as well as the important events or routines for 2024.

We have many upcoming events so please stay informed via the Parent App and look out for classroom notices that will give you information on what is happening here at College.

May 2024 be a year of success and joy for all students and families in our wonderful community.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 

Lamentations 3:22-23