Goodbye Year 6, Hello Kindergarten

“Today is your day,

You’re off to Great Places!

You’re off and away!

You have brains in your head,

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself

Any direction you choose.”

Dr Seuss’ words in “Oh the Places You’ll Go” provide great resonance for our Prep students moving into Kindergarten 2024, and for our Year 6 students moving into Senior School after the Christmas break. What places they will go!

Moving around the Kindergarten rooms on Tuesday and Friday mornings last week, we were surrounded by keen students playing, experimenting, chatting, laughing and learning. Remember the days of being 5 years old? We look forward to these wonderfully unique children starting their formal Primary years.

And at the other end of the Junior School, we are getting ready to farewell our Year 6s as they begin their Senior School journey. They are indeed ‘off and away’! The Year 7 Orientation last Friday was an opportunity to experience some of the differences between primary and secondary areas – timetables, moving rooms regularly, more student and more teacher names to learn. We thank them for all they have contributed to the Junior School over previous years.

Kindy Book