We recently took time to pay tribute to our retiring Principal, Mr Ross Whelan as part of our College Gala Celebration on Saturday 28 October. With over 400 people in attendance, it was a beautiful occasion in which we laughed, clapped, and cheered together as we honoured our principal of the past seventeen years. Catching up with past and present staff members, parents, friends, and dignitaries was a highlight for most of the people in attendance. There was a positive buzz in the air as people reconnected and shared their stories.

Reflecting on the night speaks of the importance that relationships play in the life in community. Many people may see school as being a ‘necessary thing’ that you must endure. While there are elements of any work or job that we endure, the best experiences, the strongest relationships, and the biggest growth we have in life is when we make a genuine commitment to community. This includes the good, the bad and the ugly moments that we inevitably go through when we do life together.

What does ‘committing to community’ look like for young people growing up in a complex world? At the Gala we heard a beautiful testament from our 2016 School Captain, Elijah Viglione. He shared with us about the tragic loss of his father at a critical time in his life. During this turbulent time Elijah experienced real support from his teachers, peers, and Mr Whelan. Tragedy and difficulty are much easier to work through when you are supported by community. Through this challenging time Elijah grew in his faith and eventually embarked on a career in Medicine where he can support others in their hour of need.

So often we hear of the great teams that bond together through adversity and real hardship. This is what often defines a winning formula. Working together to overcome obstacles and discover the riches that can be plumbed is what good communities are all about.

Thank you to all the staff who commit to giving their utmost in all their various roles. Thank you to the parents who support the College and reinforce the values and expectations of the College. Thank you to the students who make daily choices to place the community ahead of themselves. Let’s continue to invest our time and love into community in what ever your circumstance allows.

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. Proverbs 17: 17

Gala Dinner