This term the 10.1 & 10.2 Physical Activity and Sport Studies (PASS) classes had the opportunity to organise and facilitate a Mini Olympics/Gala day for Year 2 students as part of Event Management and Leadership Assessment. This assessment has been designed to develop a student’s leaderships abilities while providing experience in event management.

Students were allocated a various role such as President, Vice President, Event Mangers, Sport Coaches, Sport Officials, First Aid Officers or were part of the Marketing Team. Each allocated role required students to create and plan a component of the event or an activity that continued to develop the fundamental skills of the Year 2 students. The Year 2 students participated in a variety of activities such Rob the Nest, stuck in the Mud, Newcomb Ball and an obstacle course just to name a few.

It was excellent to see the Year 10’s demonstrating a range of leadership skills such as communication, teamwork, innovation, flexibility, promotion and time management. It was a great day for all involved and we are proud of the students’ efforts and the leadership displayed by students throughout the event.


Mr Hayden Ward
Senior School Teacher - Year 8 Advisor