Proactive Wellbeing Programs in the Junior School

In the Junior School we have a new initiative known as “House”. Your child may have talked about this lesson at home. Alongside Manners Matter, House is part of the proactive wellbeing program in the Junior School.

Continuing on from last year, Manners Matter is taught every day during our Pastoral Care time. Topics this year have included explicit teaching of manners, being child safe, friendship, student voice and speaking out.

House is an avenue in which staff intentionally teach skills in order to promote social and emotional learning. It is held on Fridays in the off week of the Assembly. We are excited to see this program develop over the year to include resilience training, digital citizenship, being safe online and Indigenous perspectives all linked to our Christian World View.

There are some students still wearing parts of the College uniform incorrectly. Please refer to page 47 of the Parent Student Handbook for the correct uniform guidelines.

In particular,
- Sports shoes should be predominately white (only Senior School students are permitted to wear black sports shoes)
- No jewellery, including religious jewellery, is to be worn at College
- Earrings for girls – one pair of plain studs or sleepers – these should not be coloured or drop earrings
- Hair for girls is required to be tied back, hair for boys must sit above the collar

We kindly ask parents to partner with us as we continue to raise uniform standards and safety in the College.