We look forward to learning new songs and making music again this year with our ensembles, and look forward to many performance opportunities throughout the year. 

All music ensemble rehearsals will commence in WEEK 4 this term. 

Ensemble Timetable


OPEN REHEARSAL WEEK: In addition, we would like to invite all family members of current ensemble students and alumni with musical ability who play a band/string instrument, or sing, to join in and participate in our Open Rehearsal Week taking place in WEEK 9 this term by attending one of the rehearsals listed above. This is a wonderful opportunity for students and adults to be inspired and enjoy a new rehearsal environment together. I would also like to extend this invitation to all ex-students who used to participate and perform in our ensembles. 

You will need to register if you would like to participate in the open rehearsal week. More information about this will be announced in the near future, but please save the date for now.

If you require further information please email [email protected]

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles - Creative Arts