Welcome to Term 1 for 2023 to our existing and new families. We are excited to commence the year with lots of new beginnings, new classes and many adventures ahead.

The first weeks of Term have been off to a positive start. This year we want to continue nurturing and growing our students in Learning, Wisdom and Service. This is only possible with the willingness of our students and the continued partnerships with our parents and staff.

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new staff members who are joining the Junior School in 2023! Miss Danica Potgieter joins our Kindergarten team, Miss Pamela Broadstock joins the Year 4 team, Mr Austin Buckley joins the Year 6 team and Miss Georgia Beikoff joins the team as our Junior School Chaplain. We are sure you will enjoy getting to know these staff members.

Our Parent Information Evening will be taking place in Week 3. This is a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and find out some key information about learning expectations and routines. We hope to see many of you there.

There have been some upgrades to our facilities over the holiday period. Our Year 4 building has been newly renovated and our students have been excited to utilise the space. Our Kindergarten to Year 2 playground has also had a refresh with some lovely new play equipment and surfacing updated.

We are excited to introduce an onsite speech pathologist to our College services. Jane Wills is an experienced speech pathologist who will be available onsite on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please note that this service will incur a fee, which will be discussed with you prior to commencement. Find out more later in this edition.

Welcome again to the Term. We look forward to partnering with you in your child’s education this year.